want to be smaller again..

Hola! I'm a 19 year old college student. When I was younger I was really thin, but then I started growing and curves started to form. I know, supposed to be a good thing - right? Well, I became the rather chubby curvy. After years of feeling horrible about myself I accepted my figure for what it was, just not the number on the scale. Recently my cousin got me to try this new diet fad that she sells and at first it worked, but then I had issues with me not getting my anti-anxiety pills and a combo of the new diet, no meds and classes beginning, i gained 15 pounds as well as the diet having adverse reactions... So with help from my mom, she told me about this site, she's gonna help me get onto weight watchers and imma start doing zumba. Aaand, thats pretty much the jyst of my story.

wish me luck y'all!

note: i did not draw that weight ticker thingy.. i could have, but i didnt ^^'
