Could use some support...

I've been a MFP memeber for about 6 months... I never bothered to introduce myself, but I've noticed with the few friends I currently have on here... Their kinds words of encouragement mean A LOT!! I would appreciate new friends with all kinds of different stories and goals (to help me and hopefully I could help them)... So, request me!! =)))



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome to the forums :)
    I am glad that you have enjoyed the site so far and that you do have some friends already to keep you motivated and encourage you.
    You will find tons of other like minded folks around here :)
    We all do better with support and encouragement so this site is WONDERFUL for that.
    Feel free to add me if you like.
    Have a super and healthy weekend!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Good for you. I've been here since April, and still like the site. I tend to be a little less vocal now as life keeps me busy, but when I can motivate, I try to. :happy:
  • I know the feeling of looking for like minded support. Have sent you a friend request and am happy to help you along in your journey