All backed up . . again!



  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I'm new at excersing this much and I'm having the same problem. You eat junk, it goes right through no problem. You eat healthy and guess what? Problems! LOL. If I haven't gone for 4 days, I take ducolex but I'm sick of taking it after the 3rd time. I bought some Fiber Choice today and see if that helps. I hope so! After so many days it makes my tummy feel bloated and icky and makes excersising harder to do.

    Yes . . this is my problem exactly. When I ate junk and fast food all the time, I went at least 2 times per day if not more. Now that I have incorporated healthy eating habits, I struggle darn near constantly. Just the opposite of how it should be, right? And yes - I still do exercise vigorously 5 times per week but it does make it hard when your belly is bloated.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I had colon cancer in my 20's and a recent scare of a re-occurance with major surgery and the recover has been brutal.
    The following has helped with "going" and with my recovery.

    You should try to get 45 grams of fiber per day. Drink your weight in oz. of water per day. ie. 126 lbs, 126 oz. water
    First thing in the morning drink citrucel (metamucil, etc) with 16 oz. of water.
    Take Colace (OTC) every day. One or two tablets.
    Stay away from processed foods. Bread, everything.
    Do lots of ab routines. I do 300-500 ab exercises a day.
    Do yoga. It is great for your digestive system. There are poses that help release toxins from your body and improve organ function.
    There are several diet/trim/detox teas on the market. Meridian Herbal Trim Tea or Triple Leaf Dieter's Green/Detox teas are great. But, do not exceed two cups in 24 hours.

    Good luck!

    I have tried senna and herbal teas as well. I also take Colace daily, 2 tablets twice per day (per dr's orders). If I drink Citrucel or Metamucil, I have SO MUCH gas it's almost unbearable and it still doesn't cause anything to "move". I haven't tried drinking THAT much water . . for me it would be 192-192 oz. Not sure how I would get that all in.

    Mostly for exercise, I swim and do water aerobics in addition to using the cardio equipment at the gym . . so I do lots of ab work. Can't do yoga though because I have a total hip replacement and some of the poses violate my restrictions.

    I know . . this is a tough situation with no easy or immediate answers. I am just grateful for everyone's responses.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Well, just a quick update . .

    The doctor is suggesting more Miralax and adding crushed All Bran to my applesauce and prune juice combo.

    So now I will be taking Miralax 6-7 times per day. I am just desperate so I am willing to try darn near anything, w/in reason.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, just a quick update . .

    The doctor is suggesting more Miralax and adding crushed All Bran to my applesauce and prune juice combo.

    So now I will be taking Miralax 6-7 times per day. I am just desperate so I am willing to try darn near anything, w/in reason.

    They have done x-ray to rule out an obstruction I hope! Do you know how to massage to get things moving. I have a relative who has a child with chronic GI problems and she was taught a specific massage technic that helps things move through the tract. It (the massage) has a name but I've forgotten it.
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Enema or a suppository. Im sorry but the natural cures do nothing for me.
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Enema or a suppository. Im sorry but the natural cures do nothing for me.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I tried alot of thing, like miralax, activia, beano, gasx and prune juices that only worsened the problem and what helped me, was Colon Health probiotics from Safeway. It first took away my extremely painful bloating and then I started to get regular I also add a little lemon to my water because I heard it has many benefits. I am so happy it is all in the past now.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I tried alot of thing, like miralax, activia, beano, gasx and prune juices that only worsened the problem and what helped me, was Colon Health probiotics from Safeway. It first took away my extremely painful bloating and then I started to get regular I also add a little lemon to my water because I heard it has many benefits. I am so happy it is all in the past now.

    I have not tried any of the "colon health" products out there. I see them on the shelf at places like Walmart, Target, etc. but do you know what the active ingredients are? I think they may just be the stuff I'm already taking (like lactobacillus acidophilus). I'd be interested to know though.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Not sure if this was mentioned as I didn't have time to read through all the other posts but I was having a similar issue, went to the doctor and had all kinds of tests done....NADA. I started working with a personal trainer and he has me taking Krill Oil (capsules) twice a day. Once after breakfast and once after dinner. I can't believe how much it's helped me. Before I was lucky to go twice a week. Now twice a day is the average. Good luck and I hope some of these solutions help.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I agree with people who say it may be time for a GI specialist and not just a regular doctor (if the doctor you're talking about isn't a specialist). I also agree with people that say exercise helps - maybe yoga and just don't do the positions that violate your hip replacement restrictions?

    You can certainly try both ends of what people are suggesting here - do entirely gluten-free for 6 weeks, and see how that helps (including ditching medication with gluten). Then try extremely high fiber and high water - so you are literally needing to use the bathroom every half hour - for six weeks and see where that goes.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Wow. I think your doctor is crazy for telling you to take that Miralax. My doctor nearly flipped her lid when she found out I had been taking a diuretic more than three times a week because I had been getting "backed up" and it seemed to be getting worse. She said that the body starts to become dependent on the outside aid and will stop processing waste without it. Once I stopped taking the diuretic entirely things started getting a little better. And then things got a lot better when I reduced the amount of dairy I was eating (ironic since I was lactose intolerant when I was younger and it used to have the opposite effect. lol).

    I would honestly consider a second opinion. It sounds like your doctor isn't paying a lot of attention to your issue (no tests, no x-rays, etc) and just sending you off to do more potential harm to your system. :\
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Oh! And as much as possible try not to hold it. If you feel like you need to go, go at that moment. My doctor said that waiting can make things compress as more waste is processes through and that can make it more difficult to go later. I work in an office and would tell myself, oh, once I finish this report or whatever, then I'll go ahead and use the restroom. Then I'd end up backed up. Now, if I feel like I have to go and I'm not in a meeting or otherwise actually tied up, I go. It's actually made an amazing difference.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    It does seem like a LOT of Miralax. I will be lucky to get 6 doses in per day.

    And yes - I do intend to get another opinion and I'm looking into the possibility of being referred to somewhere like Duke or Vanderbilt potentially, which are both within a 4 hour drive. I've had it with being so uncomfortable so often.

    And I try my best to go whenever I feel the urge. That is darn near constantly this last week but very little will pass, but I am trying everything in my power.

    I might try the krill oil or even just a fish oil supplement in general. I know that those supplements are pretty tame and as long as I use them conservatively, well it's worth a shot. Thanks for the reminder.

    Also, I was taking magnesium every day up until I saw the GI specialist which was helping (but only minimally) and the GI doc told me not to take it because eventually, magnesium can build up to toxic levels in your kidneys. But I just fail to believe that taking 500 mg once a day is going to cause me great harm. Seriously, the constipation may be worse.

    Anyways, thanks for all the responses - I really appreciate everyone's suggestions.
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    Try ditching the whole grain (especially wheat).

    I agree. I though that wheat bread would help to make me more regular, instead it made me horribly constipated and in more pain than I ever thought I could be. I seriously considered going to the hospital at one point and telling them to do what they had to do to get it out of me!! (gross I know)

    Once I cut out the wheat bread, I'm back to mostly normal, though my normal isn't the greatest, it's better than what I was dealing with while eating the wheat!!
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    I would cut all wheat and almost all dairy. I'd ditch the laxatives too, that's a lot to take particularly when nothing is happening, your body gets dependent on them when you take so many.

    Your body may respond to different foods like try oats instead of bran which clearly isn't working. Definitely keep the water intake up, possibly even higher and try one glass of prune juice a day.

    How much fiber do you get per day? I believe fiber absorbs water from the body and if your "pebbles" are hard, there isn't enough water.

    Let us know how you go.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Just an update . . . I am feeling MUCH better today if you get my drift. LOL :smile: THANK GOD!!

    Thanks to everyone for all of the suggestions and comments. It really means a lot to me. :smile:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Amy's herbal tea.
    END of constipation, FOREVER! I drink it daily and I go 3-4 times a day.