Back in Action, still a newbie.....

Hi, i recently enrolled into MFP. I am a 32 year old male with ambition to get back into shape as i was 10 years back. I am currently 185 and have made up my mind to reach my goal of 155. Being an asthmatic since childhood have gone through a lot of trauma and medication which have triggered weight issues. Ever since i got married me and my wife have been trying to get back into shape but with no discipline, and i am surely blaming myself for the same.

So finally though of taking corrective measure and establish my old dream of being healthy (especially get more strength as i am very weak from inside). I hope my effort of forming a disciple will help me achieve my goal. I have smoked for a long time and have finally quit couple of months back; intention is to keep it that way.

I want to do this for me and my family to lead a good life, so help me and in the process i will help you back....

Besides that i am a person who likes music, movies and gaming. Not an outside sports person but do like swimming and walking.

Hope to hear from you all and make new friends :smile:


  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hello and welcome! I started a couple of weeks ago...absolutely love this site and the people, so much support, it really motivates you! Feel free to add me if you like
  • Welcome from a fellow "stopped smoking" person LOL. I have stopped for 1 1/2 months and feel so much better, not to mention the extra money in my pocket feels REALLY great. Good luck and feel free to "friend" me
  • Thanks cheri868, it truly is a good feeling once you give up smoking, well my extra change goes to my wife :laugh:
    czechsmate, thanks for the invite will suerly add, thanks for the support....
  • Best of luck.

    I swim regularly. Low impact, can be either aerobic, or anaerobic, and isn't weather dependant. (Most pools where I live are indoors) Get in the pool, and start banging out laps.
  • Welcome! You're on the right track with MFP we are here to help you. I see you like walking and swimming very good things. Taking brisk walks is good, and swimming is good, also you can do the brisk walks in the pool. It takes time to drop the weight off but it can be done. Keep up the positive attitude!
  • Thanks evryone for the encouragement