Logging ALL my food, and an open Food Diary

allnewellie Posts: 156
Just thought I'd share...

Yes, I'm one of those really annoying people who log every. single. morsel and drop I put in my mouth. Even on the bad days. Even on the days I say "screw this, I'm going to eat crap." And even on the days when I say "oh crap, I ate horribly yesterday, so I'm going to be all kinds of good today."

I do this for several reasons:

1. It keeps *me* honest with myself. And ultimately, isn't that what this is all about? If I'm not going to be honest with myself, what will change? What will keep me moving on this road in my new life?

2. It helps me see trends. What led to bad choices? What was going on around me? Was it stress eating, or emotional withdrawal? This prepares me for future battles, and preparation is definitely one of our keys to success. When I have my day mapped out for meal goals, snacks ready, knowing how & when I'm going to get my water in -- I succeed. I recall the saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail" - and my Food Diary clearly shows the days I did not prepare, and I failed in my goals for the day.

3. Friends with more experience and knowledge can help me make better choices when they take the time to see where I am nutritionally - which as I noted before (and many of us know this to be true) can often be a good indicator of where I am emotionally. Friends keep me accountable. Friends are supportive. If someone isn't supportive of you, even on a bad day, they're NOT your friend! A friend can be supportive of me and still kick my butt and get me back in gear, but ultimately wants what's good, right and true for me and supports me.

Keep up the good (and sometimes hard) work whether you're on day one, or year 20! We. Are. Worth. It. Say it with me now...............I AM WORTH IT!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
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