Irritating People



  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    My irritating person at work is the girl who weighs 110. When I went into work stoked about fitting in a size 16 she said "OMG people actually wear that size?" She also tells me I should be losing faster....did I mention she's studying to be a nutritionalist?

    Ohhh and anytime a customer says something about me losing weight she has to pipe up and say, I lost weight too! I was 115 after my daughter was born and got back down to 110....I still think my butt needs work and then bends over to show them....(we work in a bar)

    One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair---spongebabe

    If someone said that to me, I think I would have to punch them in the nose. Some people just have no filter between their brain and mouth!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair

    How awesome is that!!!! Love it!!!! Your friend rocks!!!

    Its spongebabe...she was posting while I was posting....she's higher up in this thread!

  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    yeah another irritating type is the skinny person with the fast metabolism who doesn't watch what they eat and still looks fabuloius... when you see them eating donuts at their desk and they ask you if you need anything from (insert fast food place)... that is very hard for me.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    True IQ is measured by having an appropriate answer on a subject without having prior knowledge...perhaps she's a Mensa member and is willing to verbally enthrall you with her intellect, without a need to place the theory into practice. Kind of like women giving other women advice about a man's thoughts and actions.

    Or she's just full of *kitten*.

    Either way, you seem to know what you're talking about as it pertains to you. Allow her to be your boss at the workplace, but any unsolicited advice should just be Chuck Norris'd out the window.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have a friend like that. Unwarranted advice wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't also really bad advice.
  • Hey Cant!! I'm thinking it's high 5 time again today!!!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Ooh i'd love to provide the high five chair to the face (that's a hilarious phrase BTW)...unfortunately she is the gatekeeper to my work happiness so best not to knock her teeth out I suppose.

    Just at lunch today, another coworker and I were talking about how hard it is going to be to stay on track during the holidays coming up with all the yummy treats (anything pumpkin is DEEE-licious!). My boss pipes up with "well you know, it's all about moderation". Really? Really??? As you eat 5 reese cups in a row? Am I losing it? Why is this so irritating to me? Ahhh, hipocrasy...
  • RB12000
    haha funny rant and so true! You keep your head up and remember some people just don't get it :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    My irritating person at work is the girl who weighs 110. When I went into work stoked about fitting in a size 16 she said "OMG people actually wear that size?" She also tells me I should be losing faster....did I mention she's studying to be a nutritionalist?

    Ohhh and anytime a customer says something about me losing weight she has to pipe up and say, I lost weight too! I was 115 after my daughter was born and got back down to 110....I still think my butt needs work and then bends over to show them....(we work in a bar)

    One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair---spongebabe

    haha...thanks for a great laugh today...

    Oh, and your co-worker is just an attention office has one of those as well. Regardless of what the conversation is, she finds a way to make it about her. I put up with her in this case, because she's actually a really nice & generous person with a huge self esteem issue, but there are days I'm tempted to give her the "high the face...with a chair" (LOVE that!)

    To the OP - You just need to focus on ignoring the negative boss as much as possible. She clearly has issues, and is probably jealous of your success (or possibly even threatened by you in regard to her job?). If she's older and has low self-esteem (likely if she's that big), maybe she thinks you'll take her job one day...