wii Fit Body test needs to be revamped

Who wants to hear that you are obese everytime you weigh in even when you experience a loss. Down 3.3 pounds this weigh in but felt a litte :( because I walked away still reminded that I am obese. I have 38 more pounds to lose before this thing stops saying that to me!


  • Don't let it get to you. It's just a game, remember? :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    i agree with you completely!!! mfp's bmi calculator finally says i'm in the "normal" range, but when i hop on my wii it tells me i'm still obese, and like you said i've been hearing that for way too long now lol...keep up the great work!!
  • lulukan
    lulukan Posts: 76 Member
    That Wii fit thing is bad for your self-esteem! lol I borrowed my friend's one time. "This activity is not your forte" Grrrr Really? I am not a downhill ski expert in Floriduh? Damn! Hehe
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I love how when you first step on the Wii balance board, the voice on the game says "Oh" - how's that for morale!

    Oh wait - that does happen to other people, right?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I love how when you first step on the Wii balance board, the voice on the game says "Oh" - how's that for morale!

    Oh wait - that does happen to other people, right?

  • I love how when you first step on the Wii balance board, the voice on the game says "Oh" - how's that for morale!

    Oh wait - that does happen to other people, right?

    It does that all the time for me. Today it didn't do it and I thought something was wrong. Nothing wrong with you...its all of us!
  • I hate my Wii fit plus.

    My weight is different every time I step on it. :angry:

    For instance, on Tuesday I jumped on to find out that I have lost 3lb, Yay I thought. Then Wednesday I dropped another 2lb. Even bigger yay.

    Thursday I gained 2lb and today I gained another one. Once it told me I lost 7lb in one day then the next I gained 5lb :frown:

    My bathroom scales have remained consistant though and I weigh in properly in Boots.

    Also hate all the reasons it gives for gaining weight too, They're all bad and you don't get because you skipped a meal or anything like that.

    Also didn't like having a fat little wii mee running around the place. :grumble:

    Needless to say I don't use it much anymore. :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I hate my Wii fit plus.

    . . .

    Also didn't like having a fat little wii mee running around the place .

    "Little fat wii mee" - so true - lmao
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I love Wii Fit.........yes, I hate that it GROANS when I step on it! lol

    But - girl, please!! You are down 45 lbs!!!! It's GOT to be groaning LESS for you!!! C'mon! Celebrate your victories~! You are doing amazing! The groaning will stop....lol