Looking for accountability partners!

Howdy yall, i'm looking to add some folks for accountability partners and motivation to stick to dropping 20lbs!



  • Maria_Goose
    That's about how much more I've gotta lose. Wanna buddy up? :)
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    I know that its hard to keep up with everything all the time. Since MFP is not mobile with the chat thing I find that FB helps me more with accountability. I am in an accountability group with a bunch of AMAZING people and they are not afraid to be honest with you. Check it out if you'd like www.facebook.com/groups/fiercefighters There is no program specifications. Just as long as you are active and trying to be healthy/fit. This group offers advice on nutrition, staying positive, motivation, and keeping the will to stay committed.
    Also feel free to add me too if you'd like on MFP. Either way there are always benefits in numbers.
    Stay strong, live healthy, be happy!