Valentine's / Singles Awareness Challenge



  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I've been away and just now saw your post about thanksgiving. How'd it go?? For major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas I myself would say enjoy! As long as you get back to it the next day of course. Actually for the past 4-5 years we no longer cook for the holidays. We go out to eat. So you can only do so much damage I guess -- even at the Thanksgiving buffet we go to. For me, I eat so much more at home in front of the tv. I can literally eat for 1 hour straight or more. But, when we go out to eat it takes no time for me to be full. I love stuffing too -- and all the other carbs. That's my downfall.

    Well, I weighed in this am and gained another pound back. At 204 again. I'm hoping to do well this week to try to make up for it.

    Actually I survived without being a total glutton. On the Saturday I did a great 3.2 mile hike and was feeling pretty good. I always do the dinner on the Sunday so Monday is a rest day. Sunday I dragged my daughter and my roommate to the trails for a 40 minute hike before running to the store to get a few last minute things. Thanksgiving is my holiday that I don't spend with my parents. I cook a bird and potatoes and pretty much invite over anyone that would spend the holiday alone and tell them to bring a side dish or dessert . So I ended up with 3 extra adults and 2 extra kids. Was nice. I definately ate more than 1300 calories though! But I didn't stuff myself to the point of feeling sick and though I did drink a bit it wasn't tons. And after most people were gone my roommate and I took on my 16 year old daughter and 26 year old niece in 2 on 2 soccer. God I still hurt from that. They beat us 62-1. I think we only made it to their end of the field once!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Hopefully everyone else is doing better than I am. I am still at 204. No change this week. I really need to figure out how to get in a good mood and stay there. It might last a couple of days, but then just like that I'll be ill and in a bad mood and say that I just don't care. For one thing, I need to stay off the internet. All it takes is one look at the daily news to get me going -- national or local. I did at least cancel my 3 fake facebook accounts that I used for games. So a small step in the right direction.
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    message sent...saved in my topics
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hello fellow singletons!! How is everyone doing today?
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Update -- we have 16 participants in the challenge so far. And all are doing better than me. lol
    We have a few that haven't given updates yet. I'm the only one to log a gain so far -- hopefully that will be it for everyone.

    Good luck to all -- the holidays are fast approaching! I'll need all the support I can get and will offer the same in return.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Hope everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!! I know I will. But, then on Friday it will be on like Donkey Kong. My mom has decided to help me instead of sabotage me when I visit her. Maybe that will help keep me on the right track when I'm home too. She reminded me that a few months of "suffering" wasn't going to kill me -- especially if the outcome is something I really want. So it's a fresh start for me. Hopefully I will still be able to reach my goal by 2/14 :smile:
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Hi everyone. Someone in the group mentioned starting a group page. So I will. I'll send an invite to all who have joined the challenge so far. Hope everyone is doing well!

    Group page can be found at:
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. This is just a reminder that we are now on our group page at:

    Join us there & keep us posted on your progress!!