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Finally doing it =]

So i joined this site last week as i have been saying for just over a year i will lose weight but never do. So far i really like it and i can see how it will help. The thing is i use to be a skinny mini and then i got greedy with food and thought it's fine i will never be fat. I just turned 21 and my starting weight was 210 lbs so far i have been losing the same 4 lbs for about 3 months because i keep giving up! This was the case until last night when i asked my housemate to get out my house because he just wasn't a good guy and me and my boyfriend were fed up. So after he left he sent me an email that there was no need for but he told me i was FAT! Now i know i am but it was the first time i have ever heard someone call me fat i know people will think it but no-one has ever said it to me before. So after a lot of tears last night i woke up this morning with a new attitude and i am going to do it this time i don't want to spend my 20's being fat and when i am older think what if i had just done it. So today is the day that my life will change forever and i have made a promise to myself that this time next year i will be the girl i use to be and will never look and feel the way i do right now. So please wish me luck on my quest for THIN!!!!!!!!


  • Msvanderp
    Msvanderp Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to stay on track. People here are really supportive and positive. You know, I experienced something almost identical to what happened to you and your roommate except my roommate was also my best friend. I knew he was just hurt by our friendship divorce but what he did was really unnecessary. He actually emailed me a link to support group for over eaters. Considering the fact that we had a pretty bad falling out, I don't think he was just trying to be supportive of me losing weight. So I know how much it hurts. It's like "Damn, am I really that fat and damn, you were my best friend!!" Anyway, add me if you like.
  • emmadavison82
    Welcome to the site, i just joined last week, it been really good so far, good luck in achieving your goals im sure you will do it. :)