Anyone partake in hookah?



  • Ha, I live like 3 steps away from Dearborn MI, so hooka is incredibly popular here. I personally love it. Melon mint is my favorite.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    Ok..... this will show how sheltered and ignorant I am.....LOL!!!!

    but how is smoking from a Hookah different than cigarettes? I'm very curious.

    It depends on the type of tobacco you use. Cigarettes are filled with extra things like tar and formaldehyde. Lots of people would call me wrong, but I know what I'M smoking. What I use is literally fresh ground tobacco leaves, honey, and natural flavors. Nothing else. :) MUCH different.

    I would be careful with that. You're actually taking in more smoke and nicotine than smoking a cigarette. That's why your lungs will start to feel dry after too much and the pull gets harder. It's fine on occasion but I don't condone it every day.

    I used to live in Dubai and we used to smoke during get-togethers. I still smoke it now that I've moved to the states but I only do it socially. You should check out the voices (and teeth!) of some of the older men that have been smoking it regularly for years. (I say men because not a lot of women have done it regularly until recently. It was actually kind of taboo. Sometimes people would criticize and say that only "loose girls" hang out at hookah bars. lol)
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