I'm falling off the wagon



  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Two weeks, in the grand scheme of the rest of your life, is a drop in the bucket. You had a lapse, now it is time to get serious again. Forgive yourself, make a plan, move on!
  • daleworley
    when you get back on the horse you fell off of the view is way better on top...if that makes sense
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I went through the same thing until recently. I just kind of got into a funk. You just need someone to give you that reality check. Do you want to gain that 15 lbs back? If you want it all back, then keep doing what you're doing. If not; I guess you'll have to crack down.

    That's my best attempt at tough love...sorry I'm no good at it. You can do it though, hon.
  • jmk33612
    Hello, I am new to this site and this is my first post.
    I know, trust me I know how hard it is to stay on track and stay focused, but think of this.... You have worked so hard and for so long to lose 15lbs and probably feel great about the progress you have made. Right?
    Now eating 6 cookies tasted good at that moment and probably lasted 10 min? But now you feel bad. Was it really worth it?
    So next time get up and do some exercise, clean up the house, walk up and down the stairs. Earn those cookies.
    Don't try to tell your self you can't have something, but train your self that you have to earn that something you want.

    I hope that helps.

  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Get back on the wagon!

    I have fallen off the wagon, Been chased by the wagon, The wagon ran over me, Then i had to chase the wagon to get back on it.

    Too funny! Sounds a lot like me and probably a lot of people too. Just keep getting back on and know you are in good company :)
  • bhagavatilad1
    I joined MFP in August since then I've only lost 6 pounds and that was really hard work since I have a thyroid problem for a couple of weeks I gained a couple of pounds back I fell off the wagon and didn't sign in but I think it was because I was really sick and I got discouraged but I got back on after a few days it took a few days longer but I'm back to original weight lost 6 pounds I'm maintaining and hoping to lose more if I can do it you can do it just start logging again. Good Luck
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    Last week I was sick with a terrible cold, and the wagon crushed me. Overate for about 3 days. I thought my body needed it. It probably did. I ended up gaining the 2 lbs I had lost the week before and felt pretty bad about it. During those 3 days I didn't record all my food, and that's where I went wrong. I believe it's so important to record your food every day and have it available for all to see. That really makes me feel accountable! Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start. Make it a good one!
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Get back on the wagon!

    I have fallen off the wagon, Been chased by the wagon, The wagon ran over me, Then i had to chase the wagon to get back on it.

    Not having the most successful day or week is seriously not the end of the world. Working on the ALL or NOTHING thinking is super hard. Next meal YOU will do better. Cause you want to ... And I can tell you want to because you reached out.

    Great job on the weight loss to date ... You have seen success and will continue to see it.

    That made me smile, and it's great advice :)
  • brittbarnes

    I love the wagon rolled over me and then I had to chase it to get back on and the other quote, food never tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Thanks for sharing your stories and for some tough love. Today I did my zumba and walked my dog for 20 minutes and didn't have a pop although that argument in my head, lasted about 20 minutes. If I could burn calories going back and forth with myself about drinking pop or exercising then I would have reached my goal years ago.

    I'm taking one day at a time.

    I also made some new friends and had no idea that the home page would be like a facebook page and I could see how they are doing as well which I think will be great motivation as well.

    I just wanted to let you all know that I really appreciate the support, the pm's, the blogs and the friendship. This is a great website! Now I'm back to the thread so I can go through it all again, great info on this thread. Thanks!