If you ate 1200-1300 calories everyday and didn't lose weigh



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I would need more information to answer that. 1200 a day is quite low, and I am surprised at the huge number of people here (female and male) who are eating at that level.

    With what you have told me I would suspect you would need to eat more, but without knowing more about how high you are, how much weight you have to lose, and the like it is difficult to say.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was stalled, so I started eating back some exercise calories and lost about 5 pounds my first week doing that. It's definitely a case of trial and error, as everyone's bodies will work differently. This might not work for you, or it might not. As you can see from the variety of answers, there are lots of different things you can try! Good luck!
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I'm dealing with the same problem and honestly, I think it's time to see a doc about it. There must be something hormonally that's an issue or metabolic-wise if you're not losing anything and eating that few calories daily.

    The only advice I can give as a nurse is to make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating at least 2 non fat dairy items a day, calcium helps you lose weight. Also your body could be in a plateau if you're doing the same exercises or eating the same food all the time. Another thing (and I know it's awful to say cause we're watching what we eat) is ocassionally my body needs a reset. Meaning I may just go get that tacobell taco I'm craving. Or eat half a burger. Then my body metabolism kicks in to fight off that food and I'll drop weight easier.

    Hope this helps.
    I heard the calcium in milk is very bad for you, that it actually lowers the calcium in your bones. This is just something I heard-that the milk companies lied to make $-may not be true-But I feel much better switching to almond milk an getting calcium from other sources.
    ---Try calorie shifting. Also-eat the same amount but eat it in a 8 hour time frame. Not eating before 1pm or after 9pm has helped me loose -even when it is the same amount of calories. -this has just worked for me though-everyone's different. I eat around 1,300 average and I feel fine. I maintain and am content. Maybe I have a slow metabolism? I feel good though -plenty of energy, work out everyday. I am comfortable with 1,300 some times 1,400 or even 1,100 some weeks. Some people my size and activity level eat 2,000 calories. I really agree with trial and error-if you are hungry or feel deprived, then up your calories for two week minimum and see what happens.
  • deepac456
    So I made a list to follow with out much struggle.Please go through it.

    · Morning walk or do some exercise.
    · Have a break fast without fail.
    · Have a regular meal with out much oil or much spicy.
    · Reduce salt intake.
    · Avoid taking fried items.
    · No too much snacks and drinks like coke.
    · Have only veg., veg. soups or fruits in the night. Preferably only fruits that too apple and oranges.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    What do you consider to be power walking, like how many MPH?
    You may just need to eat healthier and exercise more-I walk at least 3 miles a day and never (ok very very rarely) count that as my exercise.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone has said this already, but make sure you go to settings and click on Update diet/fitness profile. Make sure your new weight is in there, and when you hit "update" your calorie intake will change. You need to do this every time you weigh in. It doesn't update automatically unfortunately. Click below to see the image better.

    I had the same issue, I was told to do this, I dropped 3lbs the first week!


  • heidithompson78
    check out your sodium intake, if your sodium is higher than 2200 it could cause you not to loose weight. There is a hidden column on MFP that you can add to track it.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    And don't forget about the boring but effective....FIBER!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Same thing happened to me; I gained 6 pounds in 2 months of 1200 net calories.

    With my doctor's and my trainer's guidance, I changed the MFP default goals to a breakdown of 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fat. On top of that, eliminated all sugar (except naturally occurring), fruit, and all "white" carbs except oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, and only 1 serving of each of those per day. The hardest part: absolutely no alcohol.

    It was torture, but I dropped 3.5 pounds and a half inch in a week. I have another 3 weeks of it before I modify again.

    Moral of the story is I think you should consult with a doctor, dietician, or trainer. Everyone is different. :) Good luck!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I would lower my carb intake. Up protein and fat.

    I agree with this! i joined a diet clinic and they are very strict on the carb to protein ratios. They say to keep your protein grams higher or at least the same as your carb grams and to make it a point to always east lower carbs with protein at every meal. It supposedly keeps you more satisfied and keeps your levels even. I never knew that myself, they had to explain it to me but it does seem to make a lot of sense! This should give you a jump start on your weight loss again. Good luck and keep up the good work, it's so worth the effort.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I'd be going to the doctor for some professional advice as that seems very odd.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I'd be going to the doctor for some professional advice as that seems very odd.
  • troy_n
    troy_n Posts: 66
    t for a whole month and one week, even with power walking 3 1/2 miles at least 4 times a week... would you lower your calories or up your calories, or stay the same??

    Please help! Thanks....

    p.s its been over a month since I have been extra serious (time flys) but before that I was dang serious... and I am now back to being serious!


    Seriously! lmao