Exercise advice to the exercise hater.



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    I hate exercise, I guess that's why I'm overweight by a lot. Only cutting calories doesn't seem to be working for me. So...I'm looking for exercises for the exercise phobe --I'm looking particularly to reduce my upper arms and tummy. But I need overall reduction. My knees work but need to be babied sometimes. What suggestions to you have to help me??
    Here's mine: You gotta HATE being overweight more than you HATE exercise. When that happens you will be open to any type of exercise.
    Start slow. Maybe just brisk walking at first. Then you can progressively add exercise as it becomes more habitual.
  • candylw
    candylw Posts: 37
    I hate it too but like everyone pretty much has said start with walking...i slowly started getting more and more into that and now I am gonna start with zumba on Monday... you can do but go at your own pace
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    ** Also, I'm not athletic so my body doesn't move with grace and flow. I know these sound shallow but if I know what's at the root, maybe I can overcome it and even come to like exercising. (I don't mind dancing on a crowded dance floor b/c no one's watching me look awkward and I can stop in the middle if my knee starts hurting.) Thank you for making me analyze it!! // I'm going for a walk right now!

    Good for you! Stop whining, analyzing, and procrastinating, and just MOVE IT! Every little bit helps!

    I sweat like a damned race horse and I HATE to sweat, I hate to be hot and sticky; I don't like taking showers at public gyms; I don't like the way I look in shorts, bathing suits, or other exercise clothes; and my face turns so red that I look like I'm gonna have a heart attack. But when I'm on the treadmill or walking around the block or in the pool I figure that (a) *I* never see myself in those awful looking exercise clothes; and and (b) if somebody else doesn't like what they see, that's THEIR problem not mine!

    And even though I DON'T LIKE IT, I always feel better about myself when I'm done!
  • walk, that's what I do. I've lost 9 lbs in 5 weeks. It's sounds so silly but, It works. I know You probably are saying you don't have time but, you do. Just walk for 15 minutes twice a day and then increase it to 30 minutes. I know you can do it! i did and I'm:happy: the biggest couch potato there is. You will succeed!!!!!!!!
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I hate it too but like everyone pretty much has said start with walking...i slowly started getting more and more into that and now I am gonna start with zumba on Monday... you can do but go at your own pace

    Hey, I started Zumba last week .. and I absolutely love it! It is sooo much fun, and a great workout. I have a bad knee and that doesn't bother me as much as regular aerobic classes do. There wasn't a person in that class that wasn't laughing or smiling .. VERY positive energy and is great for all ages and levels of fitness.