Running with an ingrown?

Hey guys. So as usual I have foot/leg/hip issues but this time it's taking form as ingrown nails from running. I had a bad one in august and when paired with a twisted ankle I stopped working out. Well that one is nearly cleared up but I slipped up and now have one on my other foot. I take pretty good care of myself and keep an eye on it to avoid infection so I'd prefer to not visit the doctor for unneeded surgery but will, obviously, if things turn negative. I wanted to see if running on it is going to be okay though since I don't want to go another month and a half without running. I'm willing to go through the pain for a good workout because I'm going crazy over here wanting to run.

Any advice? Anyone else have these? What did you do?


  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    My podiatrist told me that they're hereditary..... lol GREAT! I've had them so bad before I couldn't even have a bedsheet lay on my foot because of the pain.

    I suffered from them for a LONG time. I can't tell you how many times I've made trips to my podiatrist to get it cut out. If you've never had it done before, it's a very simple procedure (it takes longer for the numbing to take effect), and after it's wrapped up, you're ready to go. I'd say that you'd be fine to get back and running and working out within 2 or 3 days, if the healing is progressing fine. I was wearing my "hooker" boots within 3 days of the last ingrown being cut out.

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend going on very long with the pain because you're likely to favor a muscle group that doesn't make it hurt as bad, and then you'll cause some problems. I'd get it taken care of asap.

    Best wishes!