Please, need support/ advice.

OK, seems that I'm at a sticking point.
I have lost a massive ONE POUND in two weeks. My MFP goals are geared for me to lose 2lb per week. So a huge disappointment after some really encouraging early results. The whole muscle/fat thing (which is a bit of a fallacy anyway, btw) I don't think applies as my measurements haven't changed.

I'm doing C25K 3x per week, and I'm chucking weights around 3x per week, so my exercise is increasing gradually.
I'm eating as I'm told by MFP, certainly never over cals- except one time a few weeks ago by about 100 cals. I haven't eaten anything that might be considered junk food in months.

I've been so bloody conscientious, and it's hard to take.

What do? Less food? More exercise? Carry on and hope for the best?


  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    you should carry on and make sure you drink more water. watch your sodium intake and carbs also
  • swimmer750
    swimmer750 Posts: 9 Member
    Hang in there, one of these days you will see a big drop.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    1. Continue.
    2. Stop watching 'The Biggest Loser'.
    3. Are you really, really logging everything correctly??
  • sadlazarus
    1. I will continue: I can do no other.
    2. Never watched it. Never understood such gimmicks. Eat less, move more- what else does a man need to know?
    3. SO BLOODY CONSCIENTIOUS. I'm not joking with you, there are surgeons who take less care than me.
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Even though you have been doing this for a month you need to remember that its a life style change and that change does not happen over night. Drink more cleanse the blood and flush out the bad stuff. Are you weighing yours self everyday? The body can fluctuate a couple pounds every day. Try weighing yourself only once a week at the same time (sunday at 7am). Have you done the body measurements? You might find that the weigh is not changing but your body is!

    Keep the faith, it will happen. I had times when I questioned the plan but it works if you follow it!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Don't Stop beleiving! Keep up that lovin' feeling!
    Street lights.

    No, but really.
    Life. Changes. Its going to be good, in the long run. Its why I have found things I -like- and will be able to stick to.

    Despite the fact I want to be skinny NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.
    I have to push a side the screaming angry American in my head, and focus on the long term.

    Also, not sure if it applies
    But I know my brother told me, while he was in Basic training. All the girls (and some of the guys) were freaking out over their weight. Because? They were gaining -muscle-.
  • LisaMariaCallow
    Keep Going!!! You've hit a plateau; they suck but just push through it!! Also, increase your water-make sure you drink at least 64 oz, cut bak the carbs & up the lean protein.

    Good Luck-add me if you need a buddy!!

  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    When you hit a plateau, it typically has something to do with nutrition: either you're not eating enough, you're not eating the right % of carbs, proteins, fats, or something along those lines.

    I personally don't go by what MFP tells me my caloric intake should be - it tells me to eat 1300 calories/day - I eat 1900 calories/day and have lost and kept off 30 pounds this past year. I find the Harris Benedict equation (found here: to be more accurate. Check your numbers against what MFP says and see what you get.

    If it tells you to bump up your calories, I would seriously consider it. Here's a great article that will help explain why sometimes you need to eat more to lose more:

    Continue drinking plenty of water and eating well - you sound like you're trying to eat as clean as possible, it may just be a matter of tweaking your percentages as I mentioned above.

    Hope that helps!

  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Stop excercisng for a week and continue the diet and see what happens.
    You've only been on it since August, now is not the time to panic.
    Your body is still adjusting.
    It took years to pack on all those extra pounds, don't expect to lose them in weeks, especially since your body IS older and each year that goes by your metabolism changes and its easier to keep the weight rather than lose it.
  • sadlazarus
    Many thanks to all who replied, I appreciate your time and opinions.
    I would just point out that I rang the changes in April this year when I hit 260 or so- I didn't discover MFP straight way, so I'm not entirely green. Anyway, I shall continue and I shall prevail. And when this plateau ends, I shall be thankful to you all. But mostly to me, because it's my effort, right?