transition from loosinng weight to maintain WITHOUT gaining

im so so so scared i will gain all my 33 pounds/15kg back because when i was loosing i exercised heaps
but now im in school/college and legit dont have any time to exercise! maybe once and if im lucky twice a week!!
im freaking out that i will gain all my weight back because i always hear about people losing heaps of weight and gaining it all back again.. i dont want this happening and im nervous it will..
what can i do? please help me!


  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    Well from what I've learned from my Kinesiology classes, long term studies show that people who stick to a 1,400cal diet and exercise at least 3 days a week for 45mins are the most successful at keeping the weight off. So if you can't exercise, the only option you really have is to cut back on your calorie consumption. But no lower than 1200/day. If you can't make time for the gym then maybe try walkngi instead of driving or taking a bus whenever you can. Or buy a jump rope and try jumping for 5mins after every 1-2hrs. Find ways to stay active throughout your day. Exercise doesn't all have to be done at once. You can break it up throughout your day and it still works.It's actually proven to be better and more effective than exercising once a day and then sitting around the rest of the day. Hope I helped a bit. Good Luck :)
  • Well from what I've learned from my Kinesiology classes, long term studies show that people who stick to a 1,400cal diet and exercise at least 3 days a week for 45mins are the most successful at keeping the weight off. So if you can't exercise, the only option you really have is to cut back on your calorie consumption. But no lower than 1200/day. If you can't make time for the gym then maybe try walk instead of driving or taking a bus whenever you can. Or buy a jump rope and try jumping for 5mins after every 1-2hrs. Find ways to stay active throughout your day. Exercise doesn't all have to be done at once. You can break it up throughout your day and it still works.It's actually proven to be better and more effective than exercising once a day and then sitting around the rest of the day. Hope I helped a bit. Good Luck :)
    what she said is sooo right!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Walk ,Walk, Walk ... You don't have to bust your a** to keep it off. Walking around campus should keep you in check if you are watching what you eat. Important... Don't stop Journaling your food!!! You'll be fine
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    This is a problem for many of us, including me. After losing 150 pounds I was afraid to eat! I was scale obsessed, fearing that any bad day would undo all my hard work. But that isn't how it works. You didn't gain it in two days and you won't gain it again in two days. So I would suggest-- Log in everyday, track your intake, weigh yourself twice a week and relax. Your weight will fluctuate two-three pounds. If you are up two weigh-ins in a row, it is time to cut back until you are back to your goal weight. My DH has never had a weight problem and watching him I suddenly realized that is how "normal" people live and now I live that way too. Good luck and congrats on the weight loss.
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