

  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Wow. That sucks. I live in Louisiana, which is one of only two "right to work" states. Sounds like a positive thing from the title, but what it really means is that unions have absolutely no power. An employer can let someone go without a stated reason. Those people wouldn't have survived here.
    Actually there are 22 right to work states.

    Florida is one of them. As a medical pro, I have completed many a FMLA forms for individuals. I am very strict in completing them however as I know people abuse the system. I have people come in for High blood pressure and request FMLA, and I won't do it. Same with Diabetes. Now if the same person also has a history of a heart attack, I will consider it based on what type of job they do as that is also important. A truck driver, yes. An office worker, maybe not based on whether they are fatigued a lot or not. Cancer patients currently on chemo or receiving treatment is a no-brainer and pregnant women are always going to be approved. I am very skeptical with the anxiety patients and send them to their psych doctor for approval.

    I have had some very interesting requests for FMLA paperwork. An individual who says he has to use marijuana on a regular basis and sometimes he is too sleepy to go to work. The person who says she is allergic to peanuts. And yes, the chronic masturbator...true story. He had to leave work regularly to relieve himself as he was a sex addict. I really wanted to give him approval to see how his employer would react to it.