Mom of 4 and finally doing something for myself!

kln83 Posts: 16 Member
Hi Everyone,

I am new to myfitnesspal and I am loving it so far! Granted, I've only been a member for a few days, but it's been just what I needed to get re-energized and motivated to keep losing weight.

Here's my story: I've struggled with weight all my life. I also struggled with depression and was a teen mother. Before I got preganant with my first child, I was probably about 195. I gained 60 lbs with that pregnancy and I haven't been below 200 lbs since. I had gotten pretty close to 200 lbs again when I got pregnant with my second child. Again, I gained 50 lbs or so with that pregancy. 2 years, a marriage and a divorce later, I finally started feeling better about myself and got back close to 200 lbs. I went back to school and gained the college 15-30. At the same time, I met a new man, who made me quite smoking and I packed on another 15-20 lbs. At my highest, non-pregnant weight, I was about 250lbs. I re-married and had my 3rd child in May of 09. I did better with that pregnancy than the first two, but I still gained 25 lbs. I got down to 233 lbs. before I quit breastfeeding and gained back 10 lbs. And that's where I've been.

I just had my 4th baby in July! Thankfully, I finally learned from my previous pregnancies and watched my diet and sodium intake really close during this pregnancy. I only gained 9lbs and gave birth to a 8 lb. 10 oz. baby. I left the hospital weighing less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I was super excited and ready to finally lose weight. I am breastfeeding and that helps tremendously. I got down to 215 lbs. by September and then I got stuck! I was discouraged and thought that was it. That's all I'm going to lose and I'll gain some back when I quit breastfeeding. That was until a few days ago when I discovered MYFITNESSPAL! I have already lost 3 lbs and am currently at 211.8 lbs. It feels amazing and I'm so ready to get below 200 lbs again. I finally feel like that is a realistic goal now with MYFITNESSPAL! I am going to be below 200 lbs again!

If you want to follow my progress, add me as a friend. My username is kln83.



  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Fantastic, what a great attitude you have :)
  • Wishing you much luck and success from Florida!
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome, so glad you are here. I have been on this site for 8 days and it has been great for keeping me motivated.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    Awesome~! I too am a mom of four with 2 c-sections and this is my first time to do anything for myself. WE CAN DO THIS!!! :)
  • Welcome to MFP!! I have been on here about a month and have lost 15 pounds! I feel so much better. I'd like to drop another 15. Everyone is great on here. Having weight loss buddies helps keep you motivated. Keeping track of everything makes you accountable. It works! I have been dieting for a lot of years and this is the most successful I have been. :flowerforyou: