WW and MFP

is anyone doing weight watcher and mfp together? if so how is that working out for you? I was thinking about joining ww again to add more contact support besides the support i get here.


  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I was a WW person before and recently, ive started going through my diary here and calculating WW Points just to see. I've been off track a bit and have been working toward getting back to a happy medium between tracking here and there. I found a set of calculations on how WW assigns Points and how they calculate Activity Points based on time & individual weight - I made spreadsheets of each, and I just plug in the numbers then total everything. :)

    So, I guess the answer is ..... kinda!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I am doing both but dont go to meetings, one of my coworkers that go I had her get me the books and point calculator so i can do it at home on my own and save me some $