It's a math problem!

I joined the site almost a month ago but I had actually started a fitness program back on May 15th. I got tired of having such a sore back after golfing and I just wanted to look better. When I weighed in the first day at the gym (Lifetime Fitness, I love it and highly recommend it) I was 198lbs which is about 20lbs more than I should weigh at 5'11". After I started working out I dropped about 5lbs pretty quickly but then I seemed to stay about the same. After a total of 3 months I had only lost 8lbs.

Then I found this site.

Using the tools on the site I was able to figure out that losing weight is basically a math problem. It all started to make sense and I dropped 4 lbs in 3 weeks. That's a pretty good rate considering I am also doing strength training so I am gaining muscle at the same time I'm losing fat. Now I'm down to 186lbs and I only need to lose another 10 lbs or so to get to where I want to be. With this site I know that I should be there easily by the end of November.

The thing that I love the most about the site is it puts you more in control. It allows you to make better choices as to where you want to get your calories. Instead of having that pop with dinner, I'll drink water, for example. That way I can basically eat what I was eating before but still lose weight because I'm not drinking so many calories. Same goes for learning to love my coffee black instead of with cream and sugar!

Anyway, that's my deal and I've enjoyed reading the other introductions and threads. It really does help to see what other folks are going through and getting great tips and info.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    This website truly helps me lose weight also. I am only 5 ft tall and I weight much more than I should. Right now I weigh 153 and I am down from 169. (165 since starting this site regularly at the end of August)
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Aw, that's why I'm fat. I was never good at math ;)

    But seriously, I hear ya about the site and totally agree. I started in July but didn't really use the tools until Aug and I'm already down 14lbs. I still have a long way to go but I am learning and getting better at math.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    I had a similar experience. I thought exercise would do the trick and I lost a bit but not much and it wasn't staying off exactly, nor was more coming off. Then I found MFP and I felt the same as you. I lost alot slowly. Then I hit my plateau. I realized it wasn't always so simple but I found resources on here that finally helped me and I am losing again. If you only have to lose about 10% of your original weight it should be simpler. However make sure when you get to your goal weight you reset your new weight by carefully maintaining it for 2 months. Even losing more weight will mess up resetting your weight. Your body wants to maintain the weight that it sees as your normal weight. It will fight harder and harder the farther you get from that weight. The weight loss will slow down. At some point the effort it takes to fight your body is so great a plateau can happen. If you never hit a plateau you still need to make sure you reset that weight. The way you lose your weight and resetting it once you hit your goal will determine your success at keeping it off. It sounds like you are losing at a pace that will help ( 1 pound a week). If you do this your body will help you to maintain the weight you lost. Best wishes.