Just had a baby 6 months ago. Desperately needing motivation

Hi all. I have been using the myfitnesspal app on my iPhone since about aug. 25th. And I did well at first starting at 175 and getting down to about 168. But then it would seem if I cheated a little and had one "feel good" meal I would gain 2 pounds right after eating. (I'm sure that wasn't exactly the case) but the scale would make it appear that way. I really want to get back on track and meet my goal of 135-140 pounds. I know with friends this journey will b a lot easier so thanks in advance.


  • Shantel0618
    Shantel0618 Posts: 34 Member
    I just had a baby 3 months ago and my body does the same thing urs does I wouldnt stress to much just try and allow urself a cheat day once a week or once every 2 weeks u need a day to treat your self or else u might want to give up I found that being a little extra active the day after my cheat day helps balance everything out for me :smile: the scale will keep going down slowly but just keep at it
  • LillyMosley
    Hey there, I had my babies over 15 years ago but remember how hard it was. You are battling such busy days with wandering hormones etc. I'd do a cheat day every 2 weeks maybe, every week might be enough to undo your good work. Good luck and add me if you like.
  • maandaj
    I'm Amanda I've been on here (consistently) for about three weeks now :)
    Hi, I think all moms seem to have the same issues! I had my daughter 18 months ago and I have yo-yo'd from my hospital weight to my weight now. My body just does not seem to want to go back to the way it used to be!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • amandapri82
    amandapri82 Posts: 10 Member
    My youngest is 7 mos old.. and I have a 2 year old.. Do you have a stroller? I've found that on days I'm feeling like cheating I go for a walk, burns extra cals so you have a little extra to work with. Just make sure you add it.. Also, when I put it in for exercise I log it as "walking carrying an infant or 15lb load" (even tho I'm pushing two that weigh about 50 lbs together, plus weight of stroller).. I keep track of the time I walked (since that's how it's logged on MFP), but you can also keep track of milage if you want. http://www.gmap-pedometer.com You can track your trip and will tell you how many miles you walked.. it's pretty cool.. If too cold out can alway strap on carrier or still do stroller and head to mall and walk.. I think I may start doing that when the weather changes..

    Other than that wait til that little one is up and moving..! LOL I hardly ever get to sit still..

    On personal note... I was doing really good (doing low carbs, but not extreme), lost 17 lbs... had a bad couple of weeks, dreaded getting on scale.. Only gained ONE pound back.. Now back on track and working to loose 5 for the 1 I gained back..

    I have friends on here from the town I live in, but honestly the best is one that lives on opposite side of states from me in TX.. Having someone to chat with and vent to and share with is one of the best things to help loose weight..

    Good luck!
  • mochaslim
    Wow. I didn't expect to hear from people so quickly. This is awesome. Lol. Thank u all so much for the support and advice thus far. If i keep getting help like this them skies the limit. Thank u all really.
  • mochaslim
    Thank u so much.