anyone who has lost 80-100lbs...

did you have trouble with terrible extra saggy skin once you lost 80-100 lbs?
I want to lose this weight so bad. but my one and only fear is that after i lose the weight, even though i know ill be healthier, i'll look horrid with saggy skin! i've had two kids and pretty much have accepted that i'll have some extra saggy tummy skin. but i'm scared to death of saggy arm skin, or thighs...

I'm only 21 :(


  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I have lost 102 lbs and have some saggy skin BUT I am 41 and I have abused my body over and over with weight issues, at one time I was 298. For the most part it is certain areas--mostly my stomach. I have my "wings" my upper arms. But I have been working them and truthfully they do not look as bad as my stomach. That being said, I would rather work on saggy skin than being fat!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    saggy skin won't kill you. 100 lbs of extra fat will.
  • jcn1109
    jcn1109 Posts: 49
    You're young enough that it should shrink back. It does take time though. My father lost 100 pounds and it took almost a year after for the skin to tighten up (this was when he was 36). Use moisturizer on your skin and exercise. Also, if you smoke, quit. Smoking apparently impacts skin elasticity negatively. Something to do with collagen, I think.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Yes... but I'm 49 now and was morbidly obese most of my adult life.
    I have about 20 pounds of extra skin on my stomach and flappy arms (they dont bother me much, its minor)

    BUT... flabby skin is better than having type ii diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and not being able to get off the couch --- thats how I used to be. I'll take the flab anyday and save for a tummy tuck.

    A little flab looks a lot better than 100 extra pounds....seriously.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I gave birth to 3 kids, have stretch marks, and have maintained this general weight for 2 years. The skin looks better and less every year.

    And yes, I'd take saggy stretch mark skin over fat any day of the week!!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I'm almost 45 (Nov.), have shed over 100 lbs and have 4 secrets that have dramatically affected the loose skin:

    1. Eat strictly Paleo/Primal with a 65-85% Fat, 15-35% Protein, 0-10% Carb distribution. A plan that includes leptin reset by Jack Kruse is available through your favorite search engine.

    2. Lift Russian Kettkebells. If you don't have a kettlebell certified coach, try DVDs from Lauren Brooks such as 'Ultimate Body Sculpt & Conditioning with Kettlebells'.

    3. Avoid excessive cardio, stressful people, places and things whenever possible. Replace stressors with people, places & things that make you feel awesome.

    4. Learn to make bone broth in a slow cooker for the collagen. Use daily/weekly.

    Been on this path for 8 years. Most of my weight has been shed in the last 2 years. I got my extra skin to start disappearing using the above tools in just the last 6 months and the difference is so dramatic that I made my coach recheck the measurements twice. Friends think I've had plastic surgery (face lift, tummy tuck, thigh/arm reduction) but nothing could be further from the truth. LOL

    Hope that helps!