Eating when I'm not hungry... Help

please anyone have any pointers oh how not to eat when you're not hungry.... I dont know why I do it but I do ant it needs to stop... But how?????? Pleeeeeeae help!!


  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    figure out what it is that you are filling up. SOme part of you IS hungry. Maybe you are hungry for knowledge, sleep, a hobby, socialization etc. I learned to crochet to keep my hands busy
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    I'm totally the same way!! I swear, boredom or fatigue make my appetite endless.

    I try to preoccupy myself by doing something away from food, like reading or exercising. If you just have an oral fixation, chew gum, drink water, or chew ice (lol, sounds stupid but it works). I also like to brush my teeth since the minty fresh feeling deters me from eating.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    try and do something to keep your mind off of food.....go for a walk, go anything you like. if you have any spare calories, have a small and healthy snack. it will get easier. good luck!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I tend to do that in the evenings and into the night. So I recently started eating very light breakfasts and saving the bulk of my calories for evenings. So far it is working! So maybe try to figure out when you eat the most and save most of your calories for that time period.

    Also, as they say, it's not what you are eating it's what's eating you. In other words, emotions make us eat. If I get angry or super sad, my goodness can I pack it away! Even though I know the reason, I still can't stop. But maybe if you can figure out what is causing you to eat, it can help you to stop.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Could it be hormonal? I used to get insane cravings the week before my period, then I saw a Dr. Oz recommendation to take 100mg of B6 everyday. I saw another episode where another Dr. was on saying to take 1000mg chromium picolinate just during that week of crazy cravings. This has helped me. Also, if I'm craving sweets, I grab some celery and some spicy salsa and it kills my craving. I also frequently eat 94% fat-free popcorn with dinner--it's so filling!

    If it's not that, maybe you're dehydrated. A lot of times that can mask itself as hunger. Also re-examine your breakfasts and/or lunches. Are you having enough fiber/protein at those meals? Are you getting at least 5 servings of veggies/fruits a day? Not getting enough sleep can also lead to overeating in many people.

    Hope you can conquer this--I've been there and I think a lot of us have, so you're not alone!
  • cronus404
    I know my self and i know that i Just like to eat, and ive been so used to doing it whenever i wanted for so long that eating is just a habit. Its not hunger or emotions or stress i just like food and am used to eating it whenever i feel like. Like any habit it just takes time for your body to to get used to it. If you decide you want to eat maybe drink some water instead. Or exercise. Or clean something. Your mind and body will stop craving food all the time and will focus on other stuff. And once you do that for a while you'll stop craving it. I dont know how long youve been at this but i stopped craving after the first week or two. I just got used to the new eating habits and my body knew that eating whenever i wanted was not what we were doing anymore