How do I stop binge eating on the weekends?



  • cathy6566
    cathy6566 Posts: 14 Member
    I try to pre add my meals before I eat them. that way I know if I can afford what I'm craving or not. Like today I would like Chinese take out, so I added what I would like, then added in what I'm going to have for my supper and my evening snack. That way I know I'm good to go. Then when I hit my total, I really have to think, am I hungry or just bored. hope this helped. I tend to eat more (unhealthy) when I'm bored
  • dreeminbigg
    This weekend will be the ultimate test! I'll do what everyone suggested. Thanks guys :)
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I was doing great until recently - now I'm trying to get back on track.

    A few thoughts here, in addition to what everyone else has said: I find that I tend to binge while watching tv at night. For some reason, if I watch stuff on my computer it's not the same - there's something psychologically connected to relaxing in front of a tv.

    I would def get healthy snacks, and try baking some low calorie/low fat goodies - I was making a pumpkin bread with Splenda and fruit mush instead of oil/butter. Amazing - I just found a good rated recipe on All Recipes and subbed some of the stuff (tasted for amt of splenda before I baked it). Only thing is, even if it's low cal/low fat, eating the whole thing is not a good thing! (been there in the past, done that... haha).

    Also - make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods starting first thing each wknd morning. Have lots of raw veggies and anything else that has filling fiber. It really, really helps if you are feeling full & just good by the time the evening rolls around.

    Hey - I'm giving myself some good suggestions, too! :D Good luck - you can do it! (I'm having a tough time right now and I don't even have to deal with junk foods brought in by others - my heart goes out to you!!)
  • dreeminbigg
    I was doing great until recently - now I'm trying to get back on track.

    A few thoughts here, in addition to what everyone else has said: I find that I tend to binge while watching tv at night. For some reason, if I watch stuff on my computer it's not the same - there's something psychologically connected to relaxing in front of a tv.

    I would def get healthy snacks, and try baking some low calorie/low fat goodies - I was making a pumpkin bread with Splenda and fruit mush instead of oil/butter. Amazing - I just found a good rated recipe on All Recipes and subbed some of the stuff (tasted for amt of splenda before I baked it). Only thing is, even if it's low cal/low fat, eating the whole thing is not a good thing! (been there in the past, done that... haha).

    Also - make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods starting first thing each wknd morning. Have lots of raw veggies and anything else that has filling fiber. It really, really helps if you are feeling full & just good by the time the evening rolls around.

    Hey - I'm giving myself some good suggestions, too! :D Good luck - you can do it! (I'm having a tough time right now and I don't even have to deal with junk foods brought in by others - my heart goes out to you!!)

    I wish you the best of luck!!! :) It's definitely not easy, but with time we can do it!
  • Randynorthridge
    Why do we binge eat?
    Posted on May 27, 2009 by Kimberly Russell

    There are only 2 possibilities for eating past hunger:
    1) you’re not getting enough nutrients from the foods you eat.

    If this is true, your cravings will be for very particular food groups and will often come with other health problems like light headedness, cranky moodswings, headaches, muscle cramps, etc.

    For example, someone that does not get enough protein or is getting too much protein will crave sugary foods because both proteins and sugars will show up in your blood sugar insulin levels, keeping the right amount of proteins in your diet will keep sugar cravings at bay. If this is you, you may feel fatigued in your workouts, have irregular periods or feel sluggish.

    People on over restrictive diets low on calories will crave carbohydrates and sugars because these are the sources more quickly turned into energy in the body.
    If you know that you’re not eating well or are on a ___diet (fill the blank in with any one food item and you KNOW it’s a bad idea), this could be your reason. Do you feel hungry constantly, do you have trouble sleeping? These could be signs of imbalanced carbohydrates in your diet.

    2)you’re not getting enough emotional outlets in your life.

    Look, we’re emotional beings. We eat for hunger, yes, but we also eat because we’re stressed, tired, lonely, bored, celebrating. And we’re not the only ones. I’ve watched my cat eat until she puked (and then eat the puke, and then puke the puked food and eat it again) because she was lonely, so why should we expect more from ourselves? Okay, fine, don’t eat what you’ve puked.

    If you know this is why you over eat, I ask you to think of one question: What feeling am I seeking when I eat too much?

    This one question will get you a lot more than you may think. If you eat until you feel happy, what happened today or earlier that made you UNhappy? If you eat until you feel calm, what made you irritated? Generally, emotional eating form their own kind of food groups:

    Crunchy salty foods = aggravation, irritation.

    Sweet, soft doughy,creamy foods = sadness, need for consolation.

    Soft, salty foods = boredom, loneliness.

    Fatty, fried foods = feeling spacy, ungrounded, unsure.

    Now of course there’s no science book that’s going to break down these parallels in what you eat, when and why. You could be ready to punch your boss in the face and reach for ice cream, not chips, but hey, don’t you want someone to console you after you punch him?

    In the end, if you can start with knowing why YOU eat too much, that’s more than half the battle.

    So I’m not saying the next time you go shopping to distract yourself from the Dorito aisle because it’s “bad”, but just think, what do I want to feel after I eat this? and see if that changes anything.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!
  • dreeminbigg
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    It's not as plain and simple as you think. If you haven't dealt with it I don't think you'd understand!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    My problem with treating the weekend same as week is that I am home all day during the weekend! Much more opportunity for overeating at home than when I'm at work. It's also prolly psychological, it's the weekend, let's relax, etc. I agree 100% tho that it IS a lifestyle change and, like you, I have hubby and 4 boys who do not at all eat like I do (much as I encouraging it), and it does take willpower and strength. It gets easier over time (and some of my kids are asking for better foods, as they see me eating better )
  • sloath
    sloath Posts: 8
    I had this thing too but I got rid of it by keeping myself busy and not thinking of food like studying or painting or playing music whatever you're good at :) if you feel like you have to reward yourself then try something other than food, like shopping, don't stay home the whole weekend, go out and have fun ! If you feel like you really have to eat then work out, that should take care of it :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Maybe try to keep busy on the weekends.
    I know it might be hard, but sleep in, get up, eat a good breakfast, go to the gym and get a good workout in, and then plan some kind of activity to do, whether it is taking a long walk outside, going to the library and picking out new books to read, go to the coffee shop and doing homework. Maybe think about getting a weekend job. Go online to a site like Skinnytaste and pick out a recipe to make for your family (trust me, they won't complain!!). Then make plans with friends or watch a movie with your parents, and go to bed at 10.
    Just because it is the weekend you do not have to stay up late! Go to bed at the same time as the weekdays. You will sleep better because of it in general.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Sometimes I really have a craving for sweet and chocolate, So I bought three boxes of granola type bars. Each has a different amount of chocolate and calories. So if I can't afford the calories, I choose the one with the least chocolate, 110 cal. If I really really need the chocolate I choose the one that's covered in chocolate that has 150 calories. And then there's one that's got a base of chocolate that's 130 cal. That way I make sure I only have one but I get my fix... lol. Also half the time I eat these because I get so hungry at night I need something to actually eat.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    It's not as plain and simple as you think. If you haven't dealt with it I don't think you'd understand!

    you are not a unique snowflake. we've all dealt with temptation, or why else would we be on a fitness website?

    what works for you during the week should work for you on the weekend. you have to have that same discipline and dedication that you have monday through friday, and apply it to saturday and sunday. get out of the house!! go for a really long walk, and then you can allow yourself a treat!

    today i went for a 30 mile bike ride. i had two beers, and tons of "crappy" food. my crappy food was power bars, low cal cheeto-like chips, and some chocolate chip cookies, not to mention food from the street festival on my block. made plenty of healthy choices too though. and i'm still going to be under my calorie goals for today, because of the 30 mile bike ride.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    It's not as plain and simple as you think. If you haven't dealt with it I don't think you'd understand!

    you are not a unique snowflake. we've all dealt with temptation, or why else would we be on a fitness website?

    what works for you during the week should work for you on the weekend. you have to have that same discipline and dedication that you have monday through friday, and apply it to saturday and sunday. get out of the house!! go for a really long walk, and then you can allow yourself a treat!

    today i went for a 30 mile bike ride. i had two beers, and tons of "crappy" food. my crappy food was power bars, low cal cheeto-like chips, and some chocolate chip cookies, not to mention food from the street festival on my block. made plenty of healthy choices too though. and i'm still going to be under my calorie goals for today, because of the 30 mile bike ride.

    I agree with these 2 - it is plain and simple and we have all dealt with our share of temptations. You just have to make the decisions to say no. You can do it if you really want to, but it all starts with you.
  • Bluestar083
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    And I don't understand how someone can get 100 pounds overweight.
  • dreeminbigg
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    It's not as plain and simple as you think. If you haven't dealt with it I don't think you'd understand!

    you are not a unique snowflake. we've all dealt with temptation, or why else would we be on a fitness website?

    what works for you during the week should work for you on the weekend. you have to have that same discipline and dedication that you have monday through friday, and apply it to saturday and sunday. get out of the house!! go for a really long walk, and then you can allow yourself a treat!

    today i went for a 30 mile bike ride. i had two beers, and tons of "crappy" food. my crappy food was power bars, low cal cheeto-like chips, and some chocolate chip cookies, not to mention food from the street festival on my block. made plenty of healthy choices too though. and i'm still going to be under my calorie goals for today, because of the 30 mile bike ride.

    Never once said I thought I was a unique snowflake.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    If you're craving sweets then maybe get grapes. Sometimes fruits can really help to negate that craving.
    But if you really want like pastries, maybe look up some low cal recipes you could make.
    When I have a sugar craving that can't be beat I always eat Fluff, which is 20cals a tablespoon.
    There's also all the different types of Goldfish crackers they have now, which aren't too bad for you as long as you count out a serving :)

    And throw the grapes in the freezer for a few hours before you eat them. Frozen grapes are AMAZING!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't understand why people don't treat the weekend the same as during the week. Your "reward" will be a healthier body, nice fitting clothes, etc. I have a husband and 3 ilittle kids who don't eat exactly as I do. This is a lifestyle change, so if you have alotted calories to have a treat, then great, if not..put it down and go for a walk...plain and simple!!!

    And I don't understand how someone can get 100 pounds overweight.

    I was LAZY and UNMOTIVATED! There ya have it!!!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I always keep a ton of fruit handy.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I eat quite a bit more on Saturdays than any other day of the week ( Saturday's are also my long run days). And I've easily eaten 1500 calories in a sitting. But for me it's by plan. My best advice is to get out of the house on weekends. Make plans with friends to go to the movies. Unbuttered popcorn and a diet soda feel like a splurge but you will feel stuffed on 500 calories (I also sneak in frozen grapes - yes I'm obsessed with them right now).

    I also prepare real meals on the weekends. They usually aren't as healthy as my weekday fare, but they are things that sound really good and the prep keeps me from mindlessly eating in front of the TV.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I'm going to go in a slightly different direction. Why don't you compromise with yourself for awhile. Plan a special 300-500 calorie snack for late on Saturday? Make it special (healthy if possible), but make yourself take the time to prepare it, include food items you missed during the week, lay the snack out nicely on a plate and eat it really slowly, enjoy every bite. Maybe get a good beer, mix a cocktail. Invite your mom and sister to join you if they are around. I've never tried this, but I think I might just try it for my next Saturday night at home with my husband.