Why hide your food diary from your "Friends".



  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    It seems to me that people post some crazy *kitten* just to get comments back...

    just sayin'.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I keep mine private to annoy the people who think that everyone should do the same as them..
  • NZGeekGirl
    I hid mine for a while because I was working with a personal trainer, she asked me not to share the eating plan I was given so people wouldn't get a "freebie" so I hid it.
  • jmhII
    jmhII Posts: 11
    I don't know if mine is hidden or not, but I'd love to get more food choices from others. How can I check if its hidden or not?

    I believe that it is hidden by default

    My Home > Settings > Diary Settings
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    1. Why would anyone care if someone ELSE has THEIR OWN diary private?
    2. Why do those that CHOOSE to keep their diaries private need to explain why they make that choice?

    I understand that #1 may influence #2, but I still can't come up with a very good answer for either question.
  • troy_n
    troy_n Posts: 66
    My diary is private, not hidden. I'm glad that having yours open is working for you, but having mine closed works for me. If I need help, I will open it, but I am accountable to myself and am probably even more honest in my private diary than I would be if I felt I was being critiqued.

    I have not noticed that people lose more with open diaries.

    I wonder miss "contrarian" is what you say say true or just the opposite!
  • Jay0hwhy
    How is this motivating or supportive?
  • Some people on here, while supportive, are too pushy.
    I've had people nick pick the types of salad I ate (when I was on here in the past). I was eating pretty healthy (no processed foods, not too much sugar, etc) and they would STILL find something to throw in my face and let me know I wasnt doing it "right".
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Some people on here, while supportive, are too pushy.
    I've had people nick pick the types of salad I ate (when I was on here in the past). I was eating pretty healthy (no processed foods, not too much sugar, etc) and they would STILL find something to throw in my face and let me know I wasnt doing it "right".
    What the heck, if someone criticized what I ate, I would probably defriend them immediately. Although I think 95% of MFP members eat too much carbs on a regular basis, I don't try to tell all my friends to eat less carbs unless they ask for my advice. It's a bit of a lost cause anyway haha
  • Some people on here, while supportive, are too pushy.
    I've had people nick pick the types of salad I ate (when I was on here in the past). I was eating pretty healthy (no processed foods, not too much sugar, etc) and they would STILL find something to throw in my face and let me know I wasnt doing it "right".
    What the heck, if someone criticized what I ate, I would probably defriend them immediately. Although I think 95% of MFP members eat too much carbs on a regular basis, I don't try to tell all my friends to eat less carbs unless they ask for my advice. It's a bit of a lost cause anyway haha
    There was so many of them that I just got down on myself and gave up. Then I talked to a friend (from real life) who said she had the same problems. after comparing notes i realized that it was the "beach body coaches" or whatever they are that are on here, that are the problem (at least for me). they seem to be very pushy and "im better because i spend hundreds of $$ on protein powders" type of people. i've learned to stay away from them....
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I've no problem with other members of this site seeing my food and exercise diary, along with the personal stuff I post.

    However there's no way I'm laying my entire life and its struggles, failures and successes open to acquaintances, friends, relatives colleagues and those I supervise, future employers, plus anyone else who googles my name.

    Because of this, my diaries are public but my identity is not.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I really don't understand why some people feel the need to hide their food diary. What is there to hide? Are you eating the right foods? Are you skipping meals? Are you taking in too much protein? Are you drinking enough water? Nobody but you knows so how can you post things asking for help? That whole process defeats the purpose for being on MFP. If you want motivation and support you need to be 100% honest with yourself and everyone else. We are all basically on a similar journey and we understand better than most what goes into the food diary. I personally look to other people's food diaries to get meal ideas so I don't get bored with my choices. I also check out my friend's diaries to see if I can suggest a more nutritional food option for them.

    I will say I have noticed a difference in weight loss between the people who have an open diary and those that have a hidden diary. I believe the people with the open diaries receive more feedback from friends and take that into consideration. Which would explain why they lose more weight than people with hidden diaries. I know I can't do this alone and I welcome the advice, criticism and feedback that will help me accomplish my goal so my diary is always open to my friends.

    My food diary is hidden to all........

    I do not share my food diary with my personal friends so why should I share it with my cyber friends?........

    If you want you food diary open to all then that is your choice........Please don't try and push your reasons onto those of us who chose to have our food diary hidden.....

    This topic has been discussed heaps of times.......Did you use the search function?.....
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Because its a personal choice, that's why. Some people might not want to hear the comments about their food. Some people get highly annoyed with hearing crap like "its ok that you ate some Oreos, you can get back on track tomorrow". Maybe their track is the one of everything in moderation. Why is it such a big deal to you if you can't see it? Some people didn't come on here to be critiqued by others, they came on here to use the tools, the social side is just a perk. I couldn't care less if my friends are public or private with their diary. Unless they are asking for someone to review their diary and find out what their doing wrong, its really nobodys business but their own. IMO.

    Luckily, I don't have friends like you, OP. My friends seem to feel the same way I do about whether its public or private. When I was hidden, nobody complained or said a word. They acted as friends and respected my personal choice without casting stones. You should try it sometime.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Because its a personal choice, that's why. Some people might not want to hear the comments about their food. Some people get highly annoyed with hearing crap like "its ok that you ate some Oreos, you can get back on track tomorrow". Maybe their track is the one of everything in moderation. Why is it such a big deal to you if you can't see it? Some people didn't come on here to be critiqued by others, they came on here to use the tools, the social side is just a perk. I couldn't care less if my friends are public or private with their diary. Unless they are asking for someone to review their diary and find out what their doing wrong, its really nobodys business but their own. IMO.

    Luckily, I don't have friends like you, OP. My friends seem to feel the same way I do about whether its public or private. When I was hidden, nobody complained or said a word. They acted as friends and respected my personal choice without casting stones. You should try it sometime.

    This, X2
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    I wrote a blog on this topic. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/KeriA/view/food-diaries-to-make-it-public-or-not-114779 The most important thing on MFP is logging and anything that interferes with effective logging isn't going to help people. People are on here for different reasons and losing weight in different ways and have different food issues than others do. Some of us don't need others to give them accountability. They are able to be accountable to themselves. Others don't need help with nutrition. If they do they do need to make their diaries public. I need to have a food and exercise diary. I do not need comments on what I eat. I eat healthy food. I eat enough and not too much. When I do go over my goal it is usually planned and under maintenance calories. Often I lose the day after that. I had a critical health nut for a mother and frankly having people comment on my food would be counter productive for me. Do not presume to think you know why people keep their diary private. Some are following doctors directives and don't want to explain it all to everyone. My friends here are great but they do not yet know everything about me. I love getting to know them but know I don't know everything about them either. If I do have a friend here that did I might make it open to them until then mine stays private. It is really becasue of posts such as these that I keep it private.