Don't want to feel guilty about this...



  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Just offered by text to let her borrow my carpet cleaner. If she doesn't respond within a few hours, my husband will make the same offer to his friend. If they accept, I'll offer to bring it over and help her clean. :flowerforyou:

    Good for you .. Now THAT's what a friend would do...orrrr you can go over there, with all the neccessary equipment that might help the task at hand, and a tray of Takeout coffee .. and see what happens next.

    I am still curious as to why she hasn't returned your call. JUST curious ... Just say''n.
    She had her number changed when she moved here. Just got it from her husband. Gonna call her now, but I wanted to say thanks for your insight and advice. :flowerforyou:

    You are very welcome .. I wish you all the best!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    AWW Rachel married cute surfer dude!!?? Sweet! I am proud of you sis, you made the right choice, sometimes it's hard to be thoughtful when your changing your life in a major way. Remember you wedding? It was prob hard to invite everybody because your friends were in NC and his in CA ..Sometimes we get swept away in the details . Hope you 2 worked it out , she was always a sweet girl.
    Love you sis, remember that your always loved even when I don't bother to say it enough. Your always in my heart and always on the top of my list of people who matter.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i wouldn't. the main reason i wouldn't, is because your friend didn't even ask you HERSELF. your husband asked for her correct? i'd be chilling on my day off, if she came to me HERSELF and asked me to help i probably would. but after all that shady crap she's pulled, having my husband ask me...i'd have to say no.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I hope it all worked out for you and you gals were able to reconnect and maybe even get an explanation. She could feel incredibly guilty herself once she realizes it all.....
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    If she wouldn't return your texts or calls I'd hang her out to dry LOOOOOOOOOL
    You don't need fairweather friends. It's like okay now I have a man I'm too busy for you
    That's just WRONG ignore her and direct your hubby to do the same lol
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would help out. I don't give up on friends that easily. I wish more people put more store by friendship. I have been abandoned or left out by enough people in my life, and yes, maybe I wasn't always there for them, but life gets in the way, and people might have problems they don't want to have to talk about.

    If you care about her, help out. If you don't care, my condolences on your lost friendship.