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sloath Posts: 8
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
So we all had are ups and downs struggling with weight ( not all but most) so let's talk about where we're at, what we achieved, what we aim to, why we're doing this :) Ok I'll start
I've been unsatisfied with my body (a.k.a over-weight) since like 11, and I have been trying ever since to lose weight but never seriously, but last mouth, I realized something, if I'm going to be healthy, not just my body will change, but about everything in my life, I'll be happier and look better, I'll be more organized, stronger, more alive and energetic ! I started losing weight already and it wasn't easy for someone who spent most of her life in front of the TV eating the worst snacks ! But now I consume only healthy food, work out every day and indeed, I feel great ! :D I think it's because I made it a life style not just another diet that I will never stick to :)


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I used to have really bad depression and anxiety, my dr gave me a lot of pills but I decided that I did not want to be dependant on pills anymore. So I was looking up stuff online and found out that working out is one way that can make me very happy and reduce my anxiety.

    I am on a journey to make myself a new person. I used to be in such a dark place that I do not even know who I was back then anymore, and I love the new changes which this lifestyle has been giving me. I am so much happier with myself - my self esteem, my appearance is improving, I have a lot more energy. I am starting to like the person who I see in the mirror every morning. Nothing could ever replace that.

    I'm not running away from my life anymore, I'm here to enjoy the journey of making myself a new and better person, and to finally enjoy life for once. I am in control of my own destiny, and have just recently realised that I am worth the effort. I have also decided i am going to get my cert in PT

  • sloath
    sloath Posts: 8
    way to go darling :D ! I was like that too ! I even tried being bulimic but being healthy is the best choice ! we should both be very proud =)
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I was pretty skinny as a teenager, and didn't put on the weight until my 20s. Since then I've been putting on and taking off the same 20-25lb. Seven months ago, at 50, I started thinking more about my future, and if I didn't take better care of my body, I would get more and more limited in the years to come. I couldn't coast on youth anymore. So this time I'm trying to keep my health motivation in mind, not just vanity. Working out every day takes a serious commitment, but if I want to be able to tackle anything I want in the coming years, I need to plan for it now. It feels great to be in the best shape of my life at 51!
  • sloath
    sloath Posts: 8
    good :) you are right :) I'm sure you are going to stick to it this time and when you're healthy you'll never feel old! wtg !
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