Hard couple of weeks

I've been fat ever since I was 12 yo...and I've been one of those people that say to themselves that "one day", you know "one day" I won't be fat anymore. And last year I lost almost 10 kgs in about 6 months, without any dieting per se, it just happened because I lived in a tropical developing country for those 6 months. Upon returning to Europe I decided that day was then. I went to a nutrition doctor and we came up with a plan (well she did!)...and I started this plan on the beginning of September.
Now the idea is to lose 2kgs per month/500 grams per week (which feels like so little weight to lose...) and I've lost about 2.3 kgs in this first month. So you're wondering what's wrong, right?
I've lost about 900 grams in each of the first two weeks, and then school started and I lost 100 grams in the third week and 300 grams in the last.
So these last two weeks (in school) have made me feel very unmotivated...and since I tend to stress eat, it has made me want to eat a lot of junk food. Luckily, I know myself enough not to have any in the house. I have so much work to do, school related, and classes begin at lunch time which forces me to have lunch at 11.30am. I'm thinking that maybe the readjusting of the schedule might have done it...but I also started a couch to 5k in the third week, and so it made sense to me that I'd either keep losing the same average weight or to increase it...instead it almost stopped....I don't know what's happening...and I've felt like I'll never stop being the fat friend...and I'll never reach my goal...
In summary, I could use some support not only during this phase, but also in everyday' challenges...any supportive friends out there in need of supportive friends too?
Sorry for the long-ish speech...reading it makes my reason to feel like this much more idiot....oh well... :) Next week will be better, right?