Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - Questions for those who have

So, obviously I'm new here. But Since I've been here, I've seen several threads completely about 30DS. From what I've seen, this video is a miracle. So, I signed on Amazon, looked it up, and saw it was only $5 so I immediately added it to my cart along with 2, 3 lb weights. I think I have a few days before it arrives, but I have some questions.

1. Would you recommend using this video as an every day video for someone who can't really go to the gym?
2. Did you do any other workouts when you used this video, or did you just do this video strictly for 30 days?
3. How do you recommend using this video? Day on, day off? 6 days on, 1 day off? What system did you use?
4. Do I need to do anything special to my diet, or just make sure I keep it well balanced and under my calorie limit?
5. Did it work for you? If so how many inches did you lose? How many times have you used this video? Do you have any pictures (before & afters)?

Thanks in advance for any information you can give me, or success stories (they help encourage me that I'm making the right choice by attempting this video).



  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    1. used it everyday since i have 3 kids and cant make it to a gym!
    2. i did this dvd also walked for 20mins everyday with 2 yr old on my back in a carrier
    3. i did it for 10days,rest day then started next level for 10days
    4. eat a well balanced diet,drink lots of water and stay slightly under calorie goal
    5. i had amazing results! lost 6lbs and a ton of inches,didnt take measurments :(

    taken beg of aug(1st day of 30ds)

    taken middle of sept(last day of 30ds)
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    LOVED this video! I'll answer you based on my experience but there will probably be as many answers as there are people out there!

    1. Yup. I wasn't able to get to the gym because I have little ones. So this was my workout.
    2. I did it both ways. The first time I did it, it was just the video. The next time around, I added running after my hubby got home from work. The running was more for weight loss though. This video works best for toning (for me).
    3. When I am serious and need to GET toned, I do 5-6 days on and 1-2 days off. For me, my body just couldn't handle 30 days straight. To keep toned, I just do it MWF.
    4. I was doing WW while I did the video. I did add about 3-4 points (probaly 150-200 calories) on days I did the video but that is just me (there's a whole debate going on this site over that one).
    5. Absolutely worked for me. I never measured the inches but when I use it, my jeans are very loose, when I don't, they're very tight (and that is with my weight staying around the same) so I would guess 2-3 inches. I couldn't even tell you how many times I've used it. It has been my "go to" workout for a couple of years now. I did finally buy Ripped in 30 and have just started it. It seems a little more intense but time will tell...

    Hope this helps!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    I just finished the 30DS last week and recommend it!

    To answer your questions:

    1 - yes, because you can modify almost every exercise to make it as easy or as hard as you want to and its only 20 odd minutes long

    2 - I ran 5k every other day and did the 30ds every day for 30 days

    3 - I followed it for 30 days straight, but I know others who took some days off as and when to rest or because they couldn't fit it in - do what works for you.

    4 - I tried to eat clean and stay on par with my calorie budget. For me personally, I found that I didn't lose when I was too strict with my diet but the weight came off when I was more generous with my calorie intake.

    5 - It worked for me, only lost 2.6 lbs but lost 4.5 inches and feel so good and so strong after completing it! Do have pictures but am not sharing them!

    Good luck with it! Its not a cake walk (in Jillian's own words) but it will give you results if you stick with it!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Personally, I did it every day for 30 days (only missed two days because of work)
    I did do some extra cardio (15 min on bike) and more stretching than the video.
    I would recommend doing it daily, more to make it a "habit" and to loosen up the muscles.
    I made sure to incorporate protein drinks into my calorie allowance.
    Yes, although I didn't take measurements or pics (i recommend you do), I guess-timate that I lose about 4 inches from hips/waist. Plus my muscle definition was much more noticeable in my arms and legs. I have back issues and I noticed after about 3 weeks, it helped my back. (but I was sore and iced daily).

    My conclusion ~ The more out of shape you are, the bigger the results. If you need to lose 20 - 30 pounds, it will tone and burn inches. But if you have 50 + pounds to lose (like me), I think the changes are much more dramatic! Also, don't freak out if you gain a couple of pounds in the beginning. From what I understand, the muscles will hold water in the beginning. I love this workout, and would recommend it to anyone who really wants to jumpstart his / her weight loss. Good luck!

    You can download it for free: Just wait 45 seconds and click on regular download. Then book mark the page with the video for future use.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    1. Yup, great everyday video! I especially liked it because at 182 lbs, I wasn't much of an exercise buff and didn't want to overly push myself. It was a great way to "ease" into a routine (I just started Chalean Extreme on Monday...so I feel like it just got me more mentally ready for this next step and commitment).
    2. Did the video and then walked on a treadmill for 15-30 mins after for an add'l calorie burn (I like to eat a little more so I aim to burn at least 500 cals a day).
    3. I did six days on, one day of rest...worked for me.
    4. Eat clean for better results. I ate 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. Once a week I might shake it up a little and eat more than my daily calorie allotment. Especially if you want to see more definition in your waist/ab area - you'll want to eat very clean.
    5. Worked great! I lost 7.2 lbs and over 12 inches from the main measurement areas. I only did the 30DS one time (just finished over a week ago). I did take B/A pics but I'm not comfortable posting them because I was in my undies/bra and well, I'm a little self-conscious and a tad modest. :o) I visually saw the most change in my waist, tummy, and hips...and big time in my back (both higher and lower). Pretty great results for only a month's commitment.
  • MissLose50
    Wow! Thanks everyone for answering my questions.
    Seeing the results and reading what you guys have lost and pushed through really gets me pumped for this DVD!

    I'm impressed with all of you guys, I hope I'll be as dedicated as you guys were, and I hope to be a part of the "I lost inches with Jillian" team :P!

    I did find level 1 online to watch for free. I tried it and only got 15 or 16 minutes in before I started feeling really sick and my ears started hurting really bad. I kind of feel bad since I couldn't push through for the full workout...

    I'm trying to stay positive, and I'm going to attempt it again later today.

    Was it this hard for some of you as well? Will it get easier with time?
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    When I started this I hadn't joined mfp so I was eating whatever I wanted within reason but not like mfp has me eating now. I only lost 2lb and 2". I did it roughly 5-6 days a week with rest, you'll find people who do it both ways with or without rest days. Plus lots of people add in extra cardio for added benefit, (man I wish I had found this site when I first did it)
    And I hadn't worked out in a while consistently so it was hard getting through it and daily but I did cause its barely 30 minutes. So the first few days of each level I thought were so hard and now when I go back to redo one I am laughing at how I breeze through them or combine 2 levels for 1 workout. It will get easier.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I got through the workouts fine...I huffed and puffed through them and burned a ton of calories, haha. I will say that after doing the first two days of level 1, I was soooo sore that I gave up. Well, I didn't give up, give up. I just took two days off to recover. Then I found a 30DS thread that was starting the next day, so I recommitted and started on day 1 again. The soreness will be great tomorrow and the following day...but if you push through it, you will feel fine in no time. It's hard to push through when you are that sore...I know it...but your body kinda learns the moves and it's not that bad the rest of the time. I PROMISE! The first day of each new level always brought some new soreness for me. But it wasn't a deal breaker. I knew I was getting stronger!! :o)
    Also, you may not drop a ton of pounds...the stupid DVD advertises you could lose UP TO 20 LBS in a month! BULL-ISH! Maybe if you are like 250+ to begin with. Most people, I've noticed, tend to lose the equivalent of 1 or 2 lbs a week through the program. And some even gain during the first week due to the water retention from their muscles. So do NOT rely on the scale to show you progress. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE MEASUREMENTS!!! (Yes, that's in all caps because I'm screaming it, haha). You will love having those numbers to compare when your waist and hips whittle away! LOL
  • uhoh_billy
    So, obviously I'm new here. But Since I've been here, I've seen several threads completely about 30DS. From what I've seen, this video is a miracle. So, I signed on Amazon, looked it up, and saw it was only $5 so I immediately added it to my cart along with 2, 3 lb weights. I think I have a few days before it arrives, but I have some questions.

    1. Would you recommend using this video as an every day video for someone who can't really go to the gym?
    2. Did you do any other workouts when you used this video, or did you just do this video strictly for 30 days?
    3. How do you recommend using this video? Day on, day off? 6 days on, 1 day off? What system did you use?
    4. Do I need to do anything special to my diet, or just make sure I keep it well balanced and under my calorie limit?
    5. Did it work for you? If so how many inches did you lose? How many times have you used this video? Do you have any pictures (before & afters)?

    Thanks in advance for any information you can give me, or success stories (they help encourage me that I'm making the right choice by attempting this video).


    1. If you don't have any time to do anything else, it's great because it does include cardio. But I'd try to throw in some extra cardio for the extra calorie burn, since it's only 2 minutes at a time. But it is a great every day video, if you're able to!
    2. I stopped going to the gym while I was doing this video, due to time constraints, but I did it every single day for 30 days and every Thursday I had Ultimate Frisbee for an hour and a half, so I got my extra cardio in there. Thursdays were HARD!
    3. Personally, I did every single day. But I'd recommend having a rest day, so 6 on, 1 off. I'm going to do it again in the winter, and that's what I'm going to do.
    4. Well balanced and AT your calorie limit. And eat back those exercise calories! I ate kind of crappy since I had so many extra ones to eat, and I paid for it with not a lot of loss of lbs. And drink a lot more water!
    5. If I had eaten better, I would have seen better results! As it is, I actually am happy with what happened. I only lost 2lbs, but I lost inches like crazy! Half an inch on my upper arms, 2 inches on my thighs and 4 inches around my belly!
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member

    i just started today with the 30Day Shred.....

    it was great..... im not really used to exercising much... but i loved doing it..... specially when i started sweating..i could actually feel i have achieved something today!!!!

    i cant answer all your questions since m on day 1... but im following my regular MFP routine with it.. i ate under my calorie goal.... did a little walking today for 30 mins....... n felt nice... i hope the results show up soon :)

    all d best!!!!!! ull love it!!!!!!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I attempted it for 30 days but after the first level and part way into level 2 I started having issues with my knees (mainly lunges of any sort) so I had to stop doing it. I think it was doing the exact same moves every single day because I've done plenty of high impact workouts before (Insanity, Turbo Jam, other Jillian, etc) and never had a problem with my knees.