Quick On / Slow Off Aggravation...

A lot of people address the fact that this process takes so long by pointing out that it didn't take a short amount of time to get there -- that it took years. Now, do any of you Mommies who gained most or all of your current weight while carrying your kid/kids want to tear your hair out? It took me 9 months to gain most of my extra. It will probably take me two years to get it off, and I was eating as much as I was because those (read: doctor and accompanying nurse staff) watching my high-risk pregnancy felt that I wasn't eating/gaining enough (I got to the point where I HATED eating, because I had to eat so much)! Do any of the rest of you want to punch something, occasionally? I didn't gain weight by eating a surfeit of jelly doughnuts, cookies, cakes, and pies. In fact, I fairly seldom have DESSERT. I have cookie boxes in my house from years ago that I have to remember to pitch. I've really removed precisely ONE truly bad habit from my diet -- too many potato chips (I went cold turkey on those).

Do those who didn't gain their weight by fitting the stereotypes ever feel the urge to throw a very childish temper tantrum over the "unfairness-of-it-all?" Many of the people on here have TOTALLY different reasons for being heavy.

Rant, rant, rant...

Thank you for listening. I feel better, now. :-) I will now return to acting like a responsible adult and just FIXING the problem, however long it takes.


  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    hugs ... that has got to be frustrating but you will get there !!!
  • amyserf
    I so hear you!!!! Yes, I do occasionally want to punch something. I can gain weight so easily and do so by eating "healthy." I am like you and do not eat desserts, nor do I nosh on greasy foods like cheese steaks, hamburgers or any fast food and can still easily gain 15 lbs by eating healthy calories if I'm not carefully watching the number of calories that I'm taking in. I run 3 times a week, some light weights and sit ups, kayak and paddle board in the summers. It is sooooooooo frustrating. I have to be so vigilant at all times and sometimes I get tired of it. So rant away girl!!!!!! I feel your pain.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I was always a little overweight-chunky, 10-15lb but most of my weight was gained with my pregnancies. It didn't take years to put on but there were years where I didn't take it off. I figure it evens out for me. I do get depressed/annoyed when I go to sites like mybodygallery and see people my height/weight/shape and they don't have the gut that I do. I should be looking so much better than I am! And it's annoying that the 'last on, first off' rule doesn't apply to pregnancy belly if you've been carrying it around for a while.

    BUT my legs look so much better than the girls at mbg and my stomach is shrinking, albeit slowly and I -will- get to a point where my pants aren't a size up because I have to accommodate the mommy pudge.

    Thank you. I needed this post.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    I so hear you!!!! Yes, I do occasionally want to punch something. I can gain weight so easily and do so by eating "healthy." I am like you and do not eat desserts, nor do I nosh on greasy foods like cheese steaks, hamburgers or any fast food and can still easily gain 15 lbs by eating healthy calories if I'm not carefully watching the number of calories that I'm taking in. I run 3 times a week, some light weights and sit ups, kayak and paddle board in the summers. It is sooooooooo frustrating. I have to be so vigilant at all times and sometimes I get tired of it. So rant away girl!!!!!! I feel your pain.

    EXACTLY! What makes me grumble, right now, is that I've had to cut a lot of fruit out. Although I tend to have a fairly high protein diet, there was a lot of sugar in the fruit, and evidently, my body likes to STORE that. Nothing like fighting your body to keep it healthy!
  • amyserf
    I sure wish there was some simple resolution to fix our problem. My metabolism must be only one notch above dead.