Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    So nice to see some other PACKERS fans :) Hubby would be so proud ;)

    It's so much fun to read all the updates! I'll get a hang of responding to them all.
    Exercise wise, I've been teaching myself how to run, and I love to cycle. I recently bought an indoor cycle trainer to convert my cannondale to an indoor bike. I also love zumba, walking, and strength training.
    I'm working on setting up a nice workout schedule now that my work schedule has stabilized.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    It's a GIRL!!!!! A healthy baby girl!!! YAY! Everything looked great!! My official due date has been changed again. Due date is Valentines Day! Feb 14th! We are so excited to be getting a baby girl. I even went and bought 5 new baby outfits! They are so cute!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, I've had a migraine since Sat. morning and now I have a fever. I will catch up with everyone later!

    Have a great day!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Congrats on the baby girl!!! :) That's so exciting! Glad she wasn't too shy. :) Hope you feel better!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    It's a GIRL!!!!! A healthy baby girl!!! YAY! Everything looked great!! My official due date has been changed again. Due date is Valentines Day! Feb 14th! We are so excited to be getting a baby girl. I even went and bought 5 new baby outfits! They are so cute!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, I've had a migraine since Sat. morning and now I have a fever. I will catch up with everyone later!

    Have a great day!!

    YAY YAY! Congrats! Baby girls stuff is SO cute! Hope you feel better!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    It's a GIRL!!!!! A healthy baby girl!!! YAY! Everything looked great!! My official due date has been changed again. Due date is Valentines Day! Feb 14th! We are so excited to be getting a baby girl. I even went and bought 5 new baby outfits! They are so cute!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, I've had a migraine since Sat. morning and now I have a fever. I will catch up with everyone later!

    Have a great day!!

    awwww :) Congratulations :)!!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Otober ladies, what a great time of year to be pregnant!

    I had a great weekend excercise wise, got in 2 5kms runs on sat and sunday. Slow and steady, felt great in the cool crisp fall air. I didnt eat thee greatest, I just love food so much :love:

    We are heading out to the inlaws cabin in BC this long weekend, we are taking a 4 day weekend and am soo looking forward to it. Not sure about work outs there, mabe a hike and lots of walking. I dont run by myself cause of bears and cougers. Its our thanksgiving weekend also yummo! I spent 3hrs making cabbage rolls in preparation for the big day...,. I could live off of those lil buggers, and I just might this weekend.

    Goals this week
    Healthier snacks!
    Run 2x
    power yoga
    walk on lunch breaks
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    It's a GIRL!!!!! A healthy baby girl!!! YAY! Everything looked great!! My official due date has been changed again. Due date is Valentines Day! Feb 14th! We are so excited to be getting a baby girl. I even went and bought 5 new baby outfits! They are so cute!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, I've had a migraine since Sat. morning and now I have a fever. I will catch up with everyone later!

    Have a great day!!

    Congrats so exciting!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Happy October ladies!!

    Have a quick minute to catch up with you guys...

    Thank you to everyone for their prayers and support!! I appreciate it so much!! Heather, I was cleared for 30 min of walking before I lost 3 lbs on my last visit and according to my scale last night I'm already down another 2...thank you for the website, when I get a free minute I'm going to read up on those articles.

    Thanks to my hubby who is also a diabetic, I'm very familiar with their regimented eating habits and the daily testing. Just not looking foward to it. Theres not many things I can eat without still getting naseaus...LOL...but this too shall pass.

    Misti- A GIRL!! How exciting!! I'm sure you have plenty of details to share with us! Take care of yourself. Get some rest. Stay hydrated. Keep up posted!!

    Goals for the week:
    No stressing about tomorrow
    Re-evaluate eating/excercise restrictions with doc
    More water!!!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Misti-Congrats!! I am so happy for you!

    Taldie-Awesome on the running!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Our weekend was pretty low key and nice. Did some shopping, coffeeing, art fairing, cleaning, wedding, and relaxing. I did get our sample colors on the wall/ceiling and I hope to get the tree drawn onto the wall this weekend. I need to draft it in AutoCAD this week so I can project it onto the wall and trace this weekend. I got walking in Saturday and Sunday and cleaned and shopping on top of that. I ate a ton of dessert at a wedding on Saturday, but I figured if I were drinking, I probably would have had more calories in wine than in desserts so whatevs. :smile:

    I slept kind of crappy last night. I had to get at a hearing first thing this morning so of course coudln't fall asleep knowing I had to be up early today. Then I was hot, then itchy, and the baby was kicking a lot and then I was getting a sharp stabbing pain in my side that radiated all the way down to my lower butt. Then I started freaking out wondering if it was a bad thing. Then I just took some deep breaths and next thing I knew it was morning, so I guess everything was alright. Anyone else have any pains like that around 23 weeks? I have read Braxton Hicks can happen around this time, but since i have never had a baby, I dont even know what a contraction feels like. I have read "real"contractions cuase extreme lower back pain and I had none, so that gave me peace of mind. But it also made me think I need to start getting things ready in the event something were to happen and she come early. We are totally not prepared. I think we are going to begin registering this weekend. She did get a onsie from the art fair Saturday so that helps. :wink: I feel fine today so maybe she was just positioned in a strange place. Who knows.

    My goals for the week:
    Run/Walk 45 mins (M)
    30 mins strenght/30 mins cardio (T)
    Yoga class with Eric (W)
    Run/Walk or just walk 45 mins (R)
    Some activity over the weekend
    Eat 3 veggies a day minimum
    Draw the tree in the nursery

    Hope you all have a great week and enjoy the beautiful fall! It is gorgeous here so I am leaving my workout schedule open to incorporate outdoor activity.

    Congrats on the baby girl Misti! Hope all others are doing well!

  • millionsofpeaches
    I love October!!! Crisp fall air, cider mills, pumpkins, and Halloween!

    Jchecca – How did you like your class? I hope it went great!
    Aimeeclaire – Hooray for telling family! We told our parents but are waiting to tell everyone else. It is hard holding it in.
    Misti – Girls are so much fun!!! Enjoy all of the pink, princesses, and ruffles…

    I am hoping to be more active on this board this month... I am happy to say that I completed my half marathon yesterday with grace! It was such an awesome run... a bit cold but I am a furnace so it was fine. I could tell that the baby loved the run... We ate lots of bagels after and had a pad thai splurge for dinner.

    My goals for October
    1) I want to run at least 12 miles a week!
    2) Start yoga!
    3) Start working out my arms!
    4) Try to find a pool and start swimming!
    5) Eat healthy and LOG what passes into my mouth!

    I think these are all easily obtained... Good luck ladies and happy October to you all!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Pestered my husband into agreeing to get out of the house today! That also means that I can count on some additional walking around. Did some moving over the weekend. My neighbor kicked his girlfriend and her 6 yr old out a few a days ago (all because he didn't want her there anymore, he said all he had wanted was a Piece of @$$), she had no where else to go so they're staying with us for a few weeks until she can get new living arrangements straightened out (no way was I letting a woman and her child be homeless). Was helping her move her stuff over here, what little her and my hubby would let me carry. Apparently being pregnant means I'm not allowed to lift more than a pillow or a laundry hamper full of stuffed animals. Although all those trips up and down stairs were definitely felt. We also managed to get the house completely organized and the baby room now has zero military crap in it! Hopefully I get to make my Ultrasound appointment today (going to the clinic for my pinched nerve appointment, so killing two birds with one stone). The Radiology clinic on base won't do it until I'm at least 21 weeks and they didn't have the November appointments open yet when I had my last appointment. It's been an interesting few days, and I'm hoping everything calms down a little bit.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ahh, October... My favorite time of the year! I love, love, love fall! (But I hate that it just means winter is that much closer)
    Well I hit the 9-week mark and I think my body hates me. I have been SO tired, restless at night, and just all around icky feeling. Haven't really had much m/s, but I have a feeling that I might see some this week. Against my doctor's orders, I will be going to Zumba tonight. I plan to take it easy and just keep an eye on my HRM to make sure my heart isn't over working at all. My physical activity has definitely decreased and my waistline is showing it. So, tonight I will be zumbaing then walking the rest of the week (the weather is supposed to be gorgeous), and hopefully a bike ride or two. My hubs has been joking that he has to take me for a walk (yes, like the dog). LOL He's so sweet...
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    It's a GIRL!!!!! A healthy baby girl!!! YAY! Everything looked great!! My official due date has been changed again. Due date is Valentines Day! Feb 14th! We are so excited to be getting a baby girl. I even went and bought 5 new baby outfits! They are so cute!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, I've had a migraine since Sat. morning and now I have a fever. I will catch up with everyone later!

    Have a great day!!

    mistibergman -- Congrats again. Interesting... I thought once get to this point, the due date shouldn't change because every baby grow a bit differently. During earlier weeks, it's the best to determine the correct due date. Well, anyway. I hope you'll feel better soon.

    There are so many posts to keep up with, I'll take my time. :-)

    This week my goal is:
    * Mon - run or walk (DONE, 3 miles walk). Hoping for a DVD workout at night
    * Tue - run or biking (before lunch)
    * Wed - I'll try my regular swimming suit to see if it still fit. If so, I'll try to make it to the pool. Otherwise, DVD workout
    * Thru - Walk
    * Fri - Swimming (hopefully)
    * Sat / Sun - DVD workout

    Is there any swimmer here? Anyone have swimming suit specific for pregnant? I looked at some stores for swimming suit for pregnant women, but it's just not the right season to find swimming suits in most of the store. I'll have to search online and look for it in sport stores.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    atomdraco - It's crazy, I'll no more after I talk to my doctor tomorrow. My first dd was going by lmp, and that was Jan. 16th, first u/s said Feb 6th, and now Feb 14th, as of Friday's u/s. I thought it was weird too, my mom said I was really small the whole way through when she was pregnant so I was thinking maybe baby is just small, but we'll see I guess. I'm sure my doctor will clear things up for me. She wanted to get an accurate measure of everything to compare U/S's.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Congratulations Misti and atomdraco on the wonderful news!!!

    Just wanted to say a quick hi to everyone. Really busy lately-unfortunately no time to get detailed in responses. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    Hello everyone,

    I'm a couple days late on the joining but it's the first Monday of the month, which means it's still the beginning of the month, right? :)

    Brief about me: 32 yrs, 29 wks pregnant (first time mom), and not as active as I should be. I'm overweight but not unhealthy, but my fitness routine has taken a huge hit during my pregnancy. During the first trimester, I had problems with lightheadedness and dizzy spells so I basically stopped working out altogether, then the second trimester showed pretty sporadic workouts (mid-Atlantic heat and humidity is killer). I'm still exercising 2 or 3 times a week but it's this very low-intensity stuff that on one hand frustrates me because I remember how strong I was 8 months ago, but on the other hand just is what it is.

    I'd like to join your group for some motivation to set goals and be consistent. I'm not trying to lose weight but I am trying to keep my weight gain under control for these last 10-12 weeks and I think exercise will be key to keeping things under control.

    So this week's goals:
    5 days of min. 20 mins/day cardio
    5 days of 15-20 mins yoga (I need to bring out my yoga DVDs and find out what will work for me)
    3 days of 15 mins/day strength exercises

    I look forward to being motivated by and helping motivate. :)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    welcome erd2011!!

    Misti-wow congrats with baby all are making me want a girl. Will be having my nxt ultrasound in 6 wks, which will be my 18th week.

    Went to do my sequential screen on Friday and should be getting a call from them this Friday for the results. I decided to do it.
    They did another ultrasound and said this baby is active. They were trying to take measurements and baby just kept moving. It looked like he/she was jumping when they kept putting that instrument on my belly. My husband, the technician and I were laughing. It was soooo cute! It's so amazing how they grow inside us. What a miracle!! They said I lost a couple pounds from my last visit which was 4 wks ago. I'm still throwing up, not as much as before. I hope this will pass soon. I'm 12 wks 3 days.

    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. I did alot of walking around on Friday and Saturday while shopping, that should count right, lol!?!?
    However, I managed to get in my strength training on Saturday evening.

    Goals this week:
    - walking/jogging 30 min 3x this week
    -strength 2x this week
    -track my food (i always tend to not track my food after lunch for some odd reason)
    good luck everyone. Let's get fit and fabulous!!!
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies :-) I would like to join your group. I knew you were around but have been waiting to actually make sure that there's a live one in there, Morbid I know but a nagging fear. I'm 7 weeks along (DD is May 21st) and have gone from eating 1200 calories a day to get my baby weight off from my 1st LO (7 months old) to now maintenance with being pregnant. It's quite a switch and I'm still about 25 pounds overweight. I'm worried that I will have gestational diabetes like before since I am basically at the same weight I started before. It runs in my family and I'm 31 which doesn't help.

    Re: question about swimsuits- during pregnancy I think a bikini is the way to go. No need to worry about the fabric covering the bump. I actually used a bra last pregnancy that matched my bottoms as the ladies got bigger (it was thicker so it did look like a bathing suit if you weren't paying attention).

    Goals: workout 30 minutes per day
    Do some form of weight training since I am usually just uber-ellipse
    Stay under my calories so I don't gain as much with this pregnancy and hopefully avoid GD
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    Hello ladies :-) I would like to join your group. I knew you were around but have been waiting to actually make sure that there's a live one in there, Morbid I know but a nagging fear. I'm 7 weeks along (DD is May 21st) and have gone from eating 1200 calories a day to get my baby weight off from my 1st LO (7 months old) to now maintenance with being pregnant. It's quite a switch and I'm still about 25 pounds overweight. I'm worried that I will have gestational diabetes like before since I am basically at the same weight I started before. It runs in my family and I'm 31 which doesn't help.

    For what it's worth, I'm 32, was 205 the day I got my positive test, and 235 the day I took my 1-hour glucose test. My mom has adult onset diabetes, my dad has adult onset diabetes, and my dad's side of the family has from-birth diabetes in the line as well. MY glucose test number was perfectly fine.

    Eat a balanced diet, get light exercise, and don't stress the gestational diabetes too much. It can affect anybody but being overweight and having a family history is no guarantee it'll affect you. :)