The POST-PARTUM PACK (Open group!)

"The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!"

Okay, so I am a new mom with baby weight to lose. I am looking for fellow moms to help with support and motivation – women who understand the unique challenges faced by moms.

That said, I find that having too many “friends” means that it is hard to stay connected with the friends I currently have.

My solution? I’d like to start an informal group – The POST PARTUM PACK. It is an open group (and always will be!). We don’t all have to “friend” each other. You don’t have to participate in every challenge (though you are welcome to start one at any time). You won’t earn any points – but hopefully you will gain a sense of kinship with many women who are facing the same feat of improving their lifestyle while balancing the challenges of motherhood.


- Add “The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!” to your signature, so that we can recognize fellow PPP members.

- If you start a topic on the discussion boards intended for members of the “PACK”, please put “The POST-PARTUM PACK (Open Group)” in your title so that we will recognize it.

- Have fun! The idea is not to add stress to your already busy life, or that you participate in every challenge or poll. It is just another way to connect with other moms, without ending up with hundreds of friends…

- Although this group was originally envisioned for mothers of children 3 and under, all moms are welcome to join!

October 2 - PPP Challenge number one – This one is easy…just add “The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!” to your signature and respond to this post. Let’s see how many moms we can get to join in one week! I’ll post the results on October 10!
