Kidney Stone :(

Hey everybody,

So on Wednesday after some extremely intense pain I was diagnosed with a kidney stone and kidney infection. Big bummer. After being hydrated in the ER, I was sent home and after that night have felt better up until now. :/

Just about 25 minutes ago, I started to have pain in the same kidney. I took an (600 mg) ibuprofen that they prescribed for pain and am feeling somewhat better. However, my question is this: Have you had a kidney stones pain disappear for a couple days and then show up again in the same area as when the pain first began? I was told I have other stones that had yet to have been released so I'm guessing that one (or more) was "released" and thus why I am feeling the similar pain. Today I am much more hydrated (I have drink about 3 cups of water in the 4 hours I've been awake). My bf theorizes that it is because I ran last night and stressed my body to the point where it released another stone (I did have the okay from a RN to do the run).

I can't afford to go back to the ER so I will be waiting to see if it gets extreme (where the medicine isn't working) or if I begin to throw up again. I'm so bummed about this :(

ETA: I have been taking my antibiotics and this medicine to help me urinate (although I have no problem doing so). Also, I do not have the cacified kind of stone. I go to the urologist on Thursday to hopefully get some answers as to why I've developed the stones. I've heard of people developing them after changing their lifestyle into healthy eating habits and your body is trying to flush out all the nastiness. Not sure if this is true or coincidence.


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sometimes kidney pain means a blockage. You may need the ER. You can pay for it another time if needed.

    I have gotten kidney stones regularly for over 20 years. Friend me and I'll share more info if you want.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    If the pain is unbearable or you're running a high fever over 102 you should return to the ER. Both my BIL and SIS had to surgically have kidney stones removed.

    Sorry you're in pain and I hope you take care of it and feel better soon .. :flowerforyou:
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Thank you both. Now that it's been nearly 30 minutes the meds have kicked in and I'm back in the pain-free zone. :)

    My doctor told me that if the pain is not reduced by the medicine (I actually have percocet for the pain but being at work can only do the ibuprofen, luckily that's working) then I should return. That or if a fever occurs or more vomiting. I know that I can be billed and if I feel like I'm getting worse I will definitely go back to the ER. I really just don't want to be there (omg how horrible it is to be hooked to the IV for 6 hours -__-) and have them tell me I'm just dealing with a second stone or mine passing. I'm keeping close tabs on it though, thanks!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I had two stones in 3 days about 10 years ago. I was living 10 miles outside of Santa Fe at the time and I had to drive myself to the ER. That builds character, trust me.

    I'm glad that you're feeling better now with ibuprofen. That's a good sign!

    "I will definitely go back to the ER" - that's wise. You can still receive healthcare in an ER in US even if you can't pay for it. I can't cite the federal law but I've seen it referred to enough that I believe it to be true. Hospitals will pass the bill along to the gov't - they lose money on it but they get something back from the govt.

    I hope you're feeling better soon!
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I had to drive myself too! It took me about 15 minutes of driving to get to the ER in Los Angeles traffic and I was about to throw up all over myself, so I totally agree about it building character, hahaha!

    If this is the case, it would be my 2nd in 3 days as well. I just want them gone so the sooner they leave the better, even if it puts me into pain now. and I have health insurance but my copay is $100 to go to the ER (I'll probably try to go to urgent care next time if I have to go). I had exactly $150 to spend to fix my car after my last pay check (living paycheck to paycheck is awesome!) and ended up spending every cent of that at the ER on meds and the copay. Such a bummer :( But like I said, I'll take the bill because it's not worth compromising my health. :) Thanks for your advice and story.
  • stacey_marie_08
    stacey_marie_08 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you're in pain :( I personally don't have experience with kidney infections and stones, but my best friend developed a kidney infection 2 weeks before delivering twins, and man, did she look miserable. It hurt me to just look at her! :(I hope you feel better soon! You're a trooper, still at work, AND drove yourself to the ER. Buildin' some serious character ;)