new here!

i'm new to this. excited but lacking motivation right now. my motivation is deployed and i want to look good for when he returns home! i'm 5'3" and weigh 183....had a baby a year ago..but after getting out of the army after 10 1/2 years i let myself go. i would like to get to least.


  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    it all starts with 1 step, and U can do it..Don't say you have no motivation :-( Your motivation is a Healthier, happier YOU, and yr baby and your husband when he gets home :-)
    You can do this, one step at a time, one day at a time.

    Good Luck !!!
  • I would like to try to loose 5 pounds a month....and i have 9 months to do so... :smile: