New to the forums and returning to the program

Much to my amazement, one of my courses this semester requires me to join an online community and learn about how the members interact with each other. I figured this was a good chance to find motivation to get into better shape and support those with a similar desire so I decided that I would really like to join this community.

My story is pretty plain, I'm a 23 year old student who has always been in slightly less than moderate physical condition.. I never really put the thought into what I was eating and had no concern over portion control. Before finding this site I was always tired, fairly unmotivated and spent waaaaaaaaay too many hours playing video games. Last December I stepped on a scale for the first time in months and was shocked when I found out that I weighed 220lbs. After getting angry and going for a walk I decided to search 'fitness' on my phone's app store and MyFitnessPal was the first thing that popped up. I downloaded it and followed it through my final exam period and quickly found that it was working as I lost the first 15 pounds rather quickly. I set goals and figured out what worked for me and managed to drop down to 175 during the summer before taking a break.

I never recall posting in this community; I always felt shy and didn't know quite how to get involved.

My current goal is to get down to 165 for my last day of classes, December 9th. I'm 6 feet tall and currently 177lbs. I hear the last few pounds are always the hardest (getting down from 185 seemed to take forever for me) so I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone and supporting the community.


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Much to my amazement, one of my courses this semester requires me to join an online community and learn about how the members interact with each other. I figured this was a good chance to find motivation to get into better shape and support those with a similar desire so I decided that I would really like to join this community.

    My story is pretty plain, I'm a 23 year old student who has always been in slightly less than moderate physical condition.. I never really put the thought into what I was eating and had no concern over portion control. Before finding this site I was always tired, fairly unmotivated and spent waaaaaaaaay too many hours playing video games. Last December I stepped on a scale for the first time in months and was shocked when I found out that I weighed 220lbs. After getting angry and going for a walk I decided to search 'fitness' on my phone's app store and MyFitnessPal was the first thing that popped up. I downloaded it and followed it through my final exam period and quickly found that it was working as I lost the first 15 pounds rather quickly. I set goals and figured out what worked for me and managed to drop down to 175 during the summer before taking a break.

    I never recall posting in this community; I always felt shy and didn't know quite how to get involved.

    My current goal is to get down to 165 for my last day of classes, December 9th. I'm 6 feet tall and currently 177lbs. I hear the last few pounds are always the hardest (getting down from 185 seemed to take forever for me) so I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone and supporting the community.

    Great story and fantastic job on getting down to 175! I thought losing the final 5 lbs would be hard too... but it was actually pretty easy if you follow a good diet & exercise routine. Good luck to you!

    Edit to add: Gaining 5 lbs back was pretty easy too. :) But I'm working on getting them off again. I hope that it was as easy as it was a couple months ago. LOL!
  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    Great pictures that showcase your progress! You have inspired me.