Let Me Introduce Myself.......

Hello! My name is Carol Ann and I'm 44 and flabby. :laugh: The only time I have been at a healthy weight and felt good about myself since I was 17 years old was from November, 2004, up to sometime in late 2006. I divorced in 2005 but I had lost my weight before I left my then-husband. I found that cutting out a lot of bad carbs, eating 6 times a day, and keeping track of my calories was melting the fat away. In the course of about 6 months I lost 56 lbs. I didn't know that until I went for a checkup at the doctor. I never, and I mean NEVER, weighed myself during my weight loss. I just loved that my clothing sizes were shrinking. Then I met my current husband in October, 2006, and I got sloppy with my eating habits. He's naturally thin and wished he could put on weight, so I just ate whatever and whenever he did. Big mistake!:ohwell:

So now I am back up to my highest weight ever. I am only 5'1" and I weigh 224 lbs. give or take 2 lbs. depending on water weight. This is 28 lbs. more that I was at the beginning of my weight loss in 2004. My legs are constantly swollen. I have a job where I sit all day and barely move. I have zero energy. I try most days to start out eating lighter and healthier, but then by the end of the day I have terrible binge.

I found this site through a co-worker. She only uses it to find calorie counts on her food, but I felt like I'd won the lottery when I made my account on here and found all these wonderful tools!

I've been a member for a few days. I will start tomorrow with keeping track of what I eat and how much. I'm very scared of failure, but I'm more afraid of what will happen to me if I don't get this weight off.

I'm looking forward to getting to know some like-minded people here!:flowerforyou:


    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Good luck , Love your name I miss Southern Sweet Tea there is nothing like it. Nectar of the Gods I tell yeah!
  • Debi907
    Debi907 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You've made the first step. Tomorrow is a new day. Feel free to add me.
  • howellco
    Small steps will win this race. I have been at my weight loss journey for some time now and have had good times and bad times just as we all have good days and bad days. You have taken the first step of signing up and realizing that you want to make a change within your lifestyle. This is possible, except that it is a lifestyle change not a quick change and you will succed! Together we will conquer all our dreams!

    Looking forward to support each other! Wishing you the best of luck!

    "Each and every day is a new day, make it better than the last"
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Good for you. Your story rings true to me Thats my life haha. You will get great support on here Its really made me think about what I put in to fuel my body. Its great for support any questions get an answer and everyone is super encouraging. If you want to add me as a friend your welcome to. Good luck on your journey it starts again here eh?? x
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Good luck! The thing I love about this site is the fact that you are held accountable for your intake (at least if you are honest with yourself) I even put my junk food on here. I am a chocoholic and it has been hard for me giving up that so I didn't fully. I have been working on self control. I allow myself small bits of chocolate throughout the week, but I fill up on water and veggies. Lately I have been eating tuna on wheat thins. I use dill relish instead of mayo to add more flavor. Baby carrots and celery are also good for filling your tummy. Within a week or so you should be feeling full easier. The best part of this site is that we are all your cheering section. We will praise all of your losses and send encouragement when you have a bad day. We all have those especially in the beginning.