HELP! so close, but yet so far.

hi guys, so I've been eating healthy and exercising consistently for a year now and have lost 31 pounds out of the 37 I hope to lose! I only have six more pounds and am really looking forward to reaching my goal weight.

but, recently I can't get a grip on my eating. in the past year, I have been so strict with what I allow myself to eat. I would never have sweets, only on very special occasions, but I went months at a time without eating processed sugar and I felt good. I no longer craved it or wanted any. except now, all I seem to think about is sweets and the food that I miss, which is not helpful because I only have six pounds to go. in the past three weeks I've had three or four nights where I go absolutely insane and eat pretty much everything in the kitchen and sadly, tonight was one of those nights. I went 600 calories above my goal and feel disgusting. I ate tons of ice cream and chocolate chip cookies. I don't know what got into me.

does anyone have any advice on how to combat binge eating? I'm not sure if this is binge eating, so I'll call it pretty much stuffing my face until I feel sick! I worked SO hard to lose these 31 pounds and I do not want to risk gaining weight back or leading myself farther away from my goal. compared to 31 pounds, six pounds is SO close, but whenever I have one of these nights I feel like I'm taking a thousand steps back. and before anyone says just don't buy unhealthy food, I really wish I couldn't, but my family is the one that buys the sweets. they all love junk and are all stick skinny - how unfair, right?! any advice or encouragement would be appreciated because I feel totally lost. how come the closer I get, the harder it becomes? thanks guys.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, the fact that you are not eating it is the reason why you're binging. It's been psychologically proven that the more you avoid something, the more you crave it, and that when you finally do have it, you go overboard.

    600 calories above goal is nothing.. it's not even going to register as a blip on the scale. You should not feel guilty for eating what your body wants.. that's for sure.

    Just chalk it up to a night off and start over tomorrow.. nothing says that you can't do that. If you want the ice cream or cookies, then exercise so you have extra calories to have one serving of ice cream or 2 cookies.. not 20 bowls of ice cream and 20 cookies.
  • kolso190
    I am a believer that you can have whatever you want as long as it is in moderation! Since I am a chocolate lover, I bought some Hershey's chocolate squares and I tell myself I can only have one a day. You're getting what you want, but your portion size is limited. The other thing I have been doing is if I am tempted, I log what I want to eat into the website. Last week was my first week on the website and I have found that it is helpful because you can see how good or bad something is for you before you eat it.

    Congratulations with your success, and good luck!! You can do it!!! :smile:
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    As you will see from the forum, we all operate differently.

    I made a commitment that I would keep to my calorie limit for the month of September. I then extended this commitment to the end of 2011 but no further (at this stage!). To date, I have been able to keep within my daily calorie limit ... even if it means cleaning the house or taking my dog for a walk late at night..

    You see, I believe that once I go over my calorie limit for the day, my commitment will decrease slightly (and yes, I am very anxious about the festive period!), and it will be easier to go over the limit again and again. However I know that other people have a "break" day or a "break" meal.

    My suggestion would be that you make a commitment to yourself that you will keep within your daily calorie limit for the month of October. Then if this leads to a reduction in your weight, you may choose to extend your commitment to the end of November.

    Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.

  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    Remember your diet isn't over, you haven't blown it and you don't have a reason to quit. Not that it sounds like you're going to, but that was one of my biggest problems. Then, give yourself a little slack. Allow for cheat meals now and then, maybe once a week. Make sure you have people supporting you, I guess that's sort of what this community is for. I've also heard that brushing your teeth and/or just waiting for 15 minutes and the craving will go away. Distract yourself. Identify the times you are weakest and plan what you're going to do instead--go for a walk or read, what ever will take your mind off of the craving. Hope one or all of those tips help.
  • autumn20111
    I have those days too. Seems like Sunday evening is the worst. I'm really good as long as I stay home, alone, and stick to my plan of exercising and correct amt of calories. When I go out, or am around other people, I get a little nervous and start regressing back to the old habits. I've only lost a few lbs, but last year, I'd lost 30 lbs but gained 18 back. It's very easy to gain it back...stay committed!!

    So....Take a nap,drink more water,take vitamins and exercise more, esp during "those times." Oh how about lets stuff our face with cut up vegetables and some protein too!~ I'll hang in there if you will!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    As a few here said if you want ice-cream or a cookie have it but in moderation. It's got to be hard with family buying junk food. I stopped buying ice-cream as I always went after it. Yes, I'll buy it again. I think checking in with my calories helps me now. Yesterday I wouldn't eat pretzels, but today I had some. Just take time, and figure it out. You'll figure out what works for you.
  • noblesseoblige
    First, congrats on losing so much already! Now onto the real topic here: up your calorie intake about 200 calories for a week or until you feel like you have things under control again, then lower you calories back down. This should help and it may also give your metabolism a boost to really help you lose those last few pounds you have. Also, allow yourself a little bit of slack every now and then, treating yourself in moderation is not a bad thing at all! Also, to help you to stop eating it, don't keep it in the house. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

    Anyway, good luck on losing those last few pounds and I hope this helped a little!