What are you going to do the day you reach your goal?



  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I expect that I'll probably re-evaluate my current goal and change it before I get there, but when I finally reach THE goal...
    1) Scream and wake up my kids and probably half the neighborhood with the joyous sound.
    2) Take pictures, so I can compare myself then/now. Maybe I'll be brave enough to post them here. :)
    3) Schedule a day so I can:
    a) Go shopping. I've been putting away $5 for every pound into a new clothes account, so I can finally buy some nice clothes that fit properly instead of wearing baggy clothes (I noticed Friday just how much my pants do sag!) and buying the bare minimum to get by.
    b) Get hair/brows/nails done.
    c) Maybe a spa day... I'm still too embarrassed about my shape to get a full body massage and I think I'd really like that.
    d) If it's by March 2012, maybe go shopping for a costume to wear to ComicCon (which is my BIG reward if I make goal by March). Geeky, I know, but we all have different motivators. :)
  • Gualirix
    I am going to make to take plenty of pictures of my success and post them with the rest of the goals that I have accomplish. That way, when I finally do decide to look back, I am going to be so proud of me. I'm really simple...
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    If it is before my wedding day.... have my wedding dress altered. If it is after, buy my first sexy short dress!
  • sexypr1ncess
    sexypr1ncess Posts: 36 Member
    The same thing I do every day, Pinky. :tongue:
    great quote
  • sexypr1ncess
    sexypr1ncess Posts: 36 Member
    I am going to make to take plenty of pictures of my success and post them with the rest of the goals that I have accomplish. That way, when I finally do decide to look back, I am going to be so proud of me. I'm really simple...

    awesome. awesome goal
  • sexypr1ncess
    sexypr1ncess Posts: 36 Member
    I am going to make to take plenty of pictures of my success and post them with the rest of the goals that I have accomplish. That way, when I finally do decide to look back, I am going to be so proud of me. I'm really simple...

    awesome. awesome goal