I need everyone's honest opinion



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I am 208 lbs as of 9/22/11--- can I make my goal of 135 by 6/1/12? I really want to be 135 by my wedding. Please, I need some honest answers. If you believe I can't make it then what weight do you think I will be by 6/16/12?

    I agree with the person who said anything is possible; however, I do think it is unlikely! Even IF you can lose 2lbs/week from now until then, you would still be at 140 (which is close)! One slip up or plateau and you won't even lose that 2lbs some weeks! I went from 181 down to 131 from Oct 2010-May 2011...so 50lbs in 7 months...but now I have been plateaued, and have only lost 5lbs since May!!

    Just keep doing what you are doing, and stay focused...and I think that you could easily get to around 150ish :)
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    It could be possible but you are probably asking for a bit too much. With the extra stress of planning a wedding, a consistent weight loss of 2 lb/week will be difficult. Instead, just try your best and you will probably come pretty close to that weight. If you stress about reaching a certain weight, it will be counterproductive as stress is a major factor in stalling weight loss.
  • lvpthemvp
    lvpthemvp Posts: 266 Member
    You are so funny! We don't know if you can! But will totally support you along the way. I ran the numbers . that is 1.8 lbs a week for 39 weeks. 39 weeks from now is the 17th of June. Or looking at it monthly, about eight months and that is 9.125 a month. . . You will be a wonderful glowing bride no matter what you weigh. :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    Take it one day at a time and don't lose sight of your long term goal. Log food and exercise every day.......eat only nutrition dense foods, exercise as much as you can and don't stress yourself out about whether you'll reach a certain weight. this is the beginning of a lifetime journey
    it won't just end with a goal and a wedding.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: congratulations on your upcoming wedding :bigsmile:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Viruetwife2012, what size dress do you plan on wearing on your wedding dress? The reason why I have asked, is because inches loss and fat loss determine what sizes clothes a person wears. Scale weight doesn't have anything to do with clothes sizes. Scale weight doesn't even determine how a person's body will look. Why? Because two people can weigh the same and one person can look smaller than the next person.

    Aim to get down to your goal wedding dress size and not a scale weight. Losing between 1 to 2 pounds a week (4 to 8 pounds a month) is healthy.

    I'm your cheerleader Viruetwife2012, you can do this.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    And remember to set a goal beyond your wedding day, even if it's a maintenance goal, otherwise you will reach your special day and not have any reason to keep up your great new habits.

    I'm working towards looking awesome at my son's wedding next April, but have also set myself a goal of completing the Great Victorian Bike Ride the following November.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I'd say,forget the scale number and work on the "look."

    Some people wear a size 4 and weigh 170 pounds and other people need to weigh 110 pounds to get there.

    Targeting a dress size is more measurable than a scale number, but the best goal would be to look your best, toned and fit! No matter what the scale says. :)
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks everyone for your opinions..... one thing I do realize is that the number on the scale doesn't always matter. I want to be a size 4-6 on the day I walk down the isle, right now I am a 16-18 in US sizing. I requested some of you that have answered back, if i didn't request you, i'm sorry, feel free to add me as a friend, there were just so many people. lol.... I am also thinking about setting up a video blog again about my weight loss journey.... maybe it will keep me motivated.