Hello everyone!

Just joining to help myself with my diet!
I used to be really good with eating clean foods and the past couple months have been beyond awful. SOO... now I fix it :). I am currently a college student and i'm an athlete. I have the working out and fitness aspects down to a 't' but, I always find myself justifying what I eat using the excuses that I work out even too much. This results in a huge amount of calorie comsumption. Not to mention im a powerlifter so i need my nutrients. All motivation is welcomed! especially since I seem to lose track a lot.., can't wait to see that 175lb number again!

How are everyone else's goals coming along?



  • razorspells
    Welcome to MFP :) I see that you are doing good. This is the place for motivation. Add me as your friend if you wish.
    Good luck on your diet and exercise.