Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
My doctor spoke to me about using xenical along with sensible eating to help lose weight. Im not sure wether I would concider it. I just thought I would put it to you guys and hopefully get some more information.
So if anyone knows anything I would love to hear from you.


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Why don't you just give the sensible diet and exercise a try first.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Why don't just give the sensible diet and exercise a try first.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I tried it once, but I had trouble maintaining the healthy diet at the time, so I didn't lose much. It can be an extra help to increase your weight loss, but you still have to put in the hard work first. I don't see any harm in trying it, as long as you don't use it as an excuse to eat worse than you would otherwise do.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    xenicial is the whole diet. if you eat any type of bad fats (over 15g i think?) then your basically just gunna poop it all back out in a messy kinda way!

    so why it is nice for bad days, you could eat healthy without the threat of changing nickers half way through the day :)

    btw, i have been on xenicial before but was scared of the consequences so yeah it does work! but so does what i do now.

    your choice though some people need a boost there it was helpful for me before too
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    It can work although i found weight gain after was very easy. If you do try it to get you into a healthy BMI i would suggest you stick well to a very good low fat diet. The side effects can be unpleasant especially if a fatty meal is eaten.

    A good diet and exercise is just as good x
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Watching TV and seeing all the ads from the get rich quick lawyers who want to sue for every side effect from every medication I don't understand why anyone would want to take anything (or suggest that someone else take it) that they did not absolutely have to have (like thyroid replacement, diabetes, etc)

    Medications, even herbal and natural remedies carry side effects that can result in undesirable results. Natural is the best way.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I was prescribed this about 7/8 years ago, would never ever go on it again, I was following a very low fat diet as had gallstones so had to avoid fatty foods. I lost all of 4lb in about 4 months on it and the side effects from this medication are just horrible, maybe to much info, but no matter what way you say it, just yuk, anal leakage! would have to wear pads just incase, could never use public or friends bathrooms as would decorate the pan yellow, due to the oil that would pass through.

    The only oily food I would partake in was things like salmon, mackerel & minced beef but that oil would still pass.
  • I used xenical for 3 months and lost 3 stone. I obviously combined it with good diet and exercise but it helped me majorly.
    Yes it does have side effects but it helped me stay on the straight and narrow as i knew what would happen if i ate anything too fatty. I've just gone back on it.

    If you are following a good, low fat diet it will really help you get to your goal that little bit quicker but you can't rely on it alone as if nothing else it would make you poorly!

    Good luck whichever path you choose x
  • i have to agree i know people whom have been on it and they felt quite poorly during and afterwards!!! i reakon stick to your dieting, plenty of water...and encouragement from friends and family....good luck with what ever you decide though xxx
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Thanks for the support guys. I just thought I would ask as it was mentioned to me. I am eating a healthy low fat diet and exercising too so I will just carry on doing what im doing I think. Im starting the C5K challenge tonight so wish me luck. Thanks again.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    You only have around 40 lbs. to lose. That's really not a massive amount of weight to lose at all! You should be able to do it pretty easily with a sensible diet and activity. Why would you risk the side effects and possible permanent damage to your body from using as diet drug like Xenical?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Is Xenical the rx version of Alli? If so, I have tried both and they both have the exact same side effects. Greasy farts and loud, explosive greasy poos that you can't control. I would highly advise against it if you plan on being around people or having a love life while you're on it.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    It blocks the absorption of dietary fats doesn't it?

    I would be worried about my fat soluble vitamins.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Yeah I did hear about the side effects and no Im not wanting to farting or oiling over anything. Its just the type of society we live in I suppose that our local practicioners offer a pill for everything. I must say it was highly stressed to me that it had to go along with a healthy life style and low fat diet. I recon I can do well on my own with the weight watchers and MFP X
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Good point well made. I was just curious really to see if people had tried it and wether it did aid weightloss in a good way. Im starting a running programme tonight so I hope that helps.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Is Xenical the rx version of Alli? If so, I have tried both and they both have the exact same side effects. Greasy farts and loud, explosive greasy poos that you can't control. I would highly advise against it if you plan on being around people or having a love life while you're on it.

    Xenical is the same as alli just it's a stronger does 2x as strong as the alli tablets :)

    & glad to see you're just gunna stick at the diet, it's for the best in my opinion! but keep an open mind and if you need help or a boost go for it, it'll see you keep yourself on track!!
  • Is Xenical the rx version of Alli? If so, I have tried both and they both have the exact same side effects. Greasy farts and loud, explosive greasy poos that you can't control. I would highly advise against it if you plan on being around people or having a love life while you're on it.

    This made me laugh out loud, seriously. I took it for a week and thought I was never going to leave my house again, even if I ate a low fat meal. Grease and my butt did not agree. It was nasty!
  • Yes, Xenical is good and does help weight loss. BUT you cannot cheat cos if you do you will know all about it. It is impossible to move more than a few feet from the loo if too much fat has been eaten, you could not do your job you could not even move from the house because of the consequences. It is however an excellent aid and has helped me to shed nearly a stone. Good luck!
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