At what point do you get rid of your big clothes?

I have "lost" (and not looking to get it a little over 30 lbs. I have lost enough weight to have gone from large and extra larges to mediums and smalls!!!! I am extremely excited and proud of myself for losing the weight but my issue is this.....I am a bit of a hoarder and I'm cheap (with spending money...get your minds out of the gutter)! It isn't that bad but it makes me not want to throw anything out (not even to give it away...cuz I might need it at some point; yeah right). So! Though you will never see me on a TV program due to my hording I need help figuring out when it is time to get rid of my clothes. At what point do they become too big to keep; what are the determining factors to make the final cut? I don't want to keep things "just in case" because I am moving forward not backward. On the other hand I don't want to spend money on new clothes because I have another 30 lbs to lose and then they too will be to big....HELP!


  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member

    I have lost 31lb and I have got rid of anything that even with a belt looks too big or baggy and looks stupid on me. Anything that I can get away with wearing using a belt that does not look too bad I keep. I usually ask my hubby when I put something on if it looks right or not. At the moment as I am based i the UK I am buying my clothes from Primark or ASDA (Walmart) as the clothes are cheap and I am not too worried about disposing of them when they get too big. Once I am at target then i will buy a bit more expensive items. Congratulations on your weight loss, keep going you will feel fantastic when you get there.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    First of all, congratulations on your progress!! Fantastic work!!

    As for when to ditch the big clothes, I would suggest as soon as possible. I was very successful last summer, but got lazy and gained some back. The fact that I would have to go out and buy new fat clothes scared the hell out of me, and motivated me back into good behavior again. In fact, I enjoy donating the fat clothes, then buying something in a season close-out that's actually a size smaller to look forward to for say, next spring. I've got several pairs of summer shorts that I can't wear yet, but I will.

    Wishing you continued success - you are doing an awesome job!
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    As soon as they are too big......because you are only getting smalller, not bigger (ever!) :smile:
  • briehill
    Understand completely where you are coming from on the whole not wanting to spend money on clothes while still losing. Haven't reached the point yet where I can start throwing out my to big clothes (hopefully soon) but some ideas for you to be able to buy clothes that do fit without having to spend loads of money while still losing weight. Garage Sales. Most garage sales will have clothes that range in sizes, quality, etc and most sell their clothes from $0.25 to a $1. While it might not be ideal to be wearing used clothing (some people do care about that) if you're tight on money and need clothes that fit but don't want to spend a lot of money till you get to the place you want to be weight wise it's a great option. And you can find some really nice stuff. Be picky if you want. If it looks rough or beat up, stained or what ever don't buy it but if it's something you think you'd like in a size that fits you now and cost you a $1 why not?
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Right today, you are never going back so let it go
  • cassiopeia1975
    okay well this is my plan at my start weight i was a 16 (or even an 18 (UK)) im now a 14 and aiming for a 12.. All my 16's & 18's are in a zip bag in the loft (except for 1 pair of jeans that are a 16 & i love them)
    Ive gained weight gradually so have bought clothes to suit and now im working my way back through the ones i didnt throw out...Anything relatively new that i shrink out of im putting on ebay. other stuff im givng to good will/charity shops. Im buying smaller clothers from those places too.
    I put on a dress at the weekend that i last wore at xmas and it hung off me -- looked like i was wearing a sack! And ive only lost 10lbs so far
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    if you're not sure about getting rid of them completely, is there someone who coudl hold onto them for you? that way you don't have to look at them and they are not in your home, and it would be very hard to get them back (meaning you'd have to admit gaining weight) but they still could be gotten back if needed?
  • inhousecork
    inhousecork Posts: 12 Member
    :)) i was thinking the same tismorning
    im down 62 pounds but im still sitting here im my size 40 pants lol
    god bless belts
    im afraid to buy new clothes cause i might gain it back :(
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i am the same way , so cheap , heres what i have been doing i am just at 30 pounds too, i went through all my cothes last week and got rid of what i could.. if your clothes are too big it makes you look bigger than you are, and i DO NOT WANT THAT. i love that i am shrinking and want people to notice. so i have been checking out thrift stores, turns out i am 2 sizes smaller in jeans. so when these get too big i only paid like 2 a pair so i doesnt hurt to bad.

    good luck to you, and get yourself a new outfit you deserve it :flowerforyou:
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Have you thought about tailoring them? When i dropped about 50lbs i still wore the shirts. the button ups i turned into wraps, they looked pretty cute and sexy because you hugged my figure.I also took in my pants myself. Anything that was really big i gave to my mom.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Yesterday, for me, the answer was TODAY! So I went through my closet and pulled stuff that I know is WAY too big and other things that I haven't even worn for years because I didn't really like it or the last time I wore it I didn't like the way it looked or fit or some other silly reason. I bagged it all up and put it through freecycle and someone came and picked up two large black trashbags worth of my past... and carted it to their home where they will sort through what they want, what fits them and send the rest on to other needy "bigger than me" people.

    It makes me happy to know that I made someone happy. Especially because I am so much more happy. Granted, my closet needs to be rearranged, but I got rid of clothes from 26W to 20W (the 20s could still fit with a little bigness but I decided to chuck those too... don't need to feel too roomy in my clothes!)
  • luvgreen25
    I'm struggling with this too. I'm not quite at my goal weight yet and I don't want to spend a fortune on a new closet full of clothes just to replace them again once I do hit my goal weight. I'm thrilled to say goodbye to the sizes though - never to be seen again! I do donate my clothes once I have decided that they're too big. I don't want any temptation to give in to my weaknesses and if I have to go "rebuy" my "fat clothes", it will snap me back into shape. I have 2 pairs of dress pants right now that I rotate for work, doing laundry ever other night. But when it looks like I'm wearing a potato sack, I think it's time to ditch the pants that are too big. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday and I tried on ALL of my dresses in my closet yesterday. On one hand, I'm happy to report that they're all too big, on the other hand, I'm sad to report that they're all too big because now I have to go buy a new dress for this wedding! I just got rid of 2 pairs of jeans over the weekend too. I couldn't keep them up! :bigsmile:

    Good luck and don't hold on to the clothes that are too big. It will just give you the freedom to slip back into bad habits.
  • socialite1
    Congrats on your weight loss! I agree with others who say get rid of the baggy clothes as soon as possible. Wearing clothes that fit will always make you feel better. Since I've lost weight, I've been shopping at Goodwill. They have nice items, especially for work that are extremely inexpensive. Shirts $2, pants $3, blazers and jackets around $5. Some items are even name brand. This is a great alternative to spending tons of money on newer smaller clothes, especially when you're only half way there! I hope this is helpful.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Sell the good stuff on Craig's List (I find this easier and more profitable than ebay b/c people don't want to pay $5-10 in shipping for used clothing unless it's designer stuff or the item is .99 - my person favourite purchases as a buyer) and donate the not so good stuff to a charity.

    Buy new smaller pieces one at a time as you need them or as there is an in-between season sale. I saw some adorable career shirts at A&F and Hollister, stores I've now only once been into and they were an insane $80 originally now $40 as the fall stuff comes in. $40 for a normal blouse still sounds crazy to me so I'm going to watch it since I power walk around Toronto at lunch I'll check it out 1x a week until it gets more reasonable.


    The DEALHNTR - yup, it's my plate!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    As soon as my clothing is too big, I get it donated. There is nothing like feeling tight in your pants with no fat pants to keep you from gaining the weight back. In fact it's my trick at maintenance.
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    Congratulations Sara!!

    I am right there with you as I have lost 39 lbs. Stacks and stacks of clothes are accumulating and I'll need to make my mind up before the holidays of what I am going to do!! There are people out there that need clothes in this crazy economy and I need to just turn them over to them and keep walking forward!!

    Much of my life has been yo-yoing lbs up and down with a handful of dieting attempts. So I have played the same record over and over again, and garsh darnit that record is scratched and I need to pitch it.

    I have geared myself to a lifestyle change with MFP and it has changed my life!! Even though it leaves me with hardly nothing to wear, I am excited to be in the smaller clothes. I kept some of the more expensive and better quality ones from my last weight loss, just in case I would need them someday!! YAY I need them and am wearing them and even tucking shirts in now!! Woohoo!!

    It sure felt good to clean out closets and dresser drawers. I have created a new challenge for myself to see how big I can make my stacks of "too big" clothes!! If I put the stacks together right now, it would touch the ceiling and I'm not done yet!!

    It is a good dilemma to be in, but don't look back! Let's keep walking forward and leave our old selves in the dust!

    Let me know when you make the move and we can support eachother along the way!

    Joyful in the Journey,
  • mommy4ndbandtj
    My suggestion, find a thrift store that supports something you believe in. Some support churches, some support other non-profit entities like spousal abuse, children's hospitals and the likes.

    Donate your clothes that are too big PERIOD!! If you have to spend money to get that size again, it will be less tempting if there is not reserves in the closet. Also purchase your in between sizes there as well. You can find clothes relatively cheap, you are supporting a cause you believe in, and it is not a ton of money! Sounds like a win win win to me.
  • jpd10905
    I have "lost" (and not looking to get it a little over 30 lbs. I have lost enough weight to have gone from large and extra larges to mediums and smalls!!!! I am extremely excited and proud of myself for losing the weight but my issue is this.....I am a bit of a hoarder and I'm cheap (with spending money...get your minds out of the gutter)! It isn't that bad but it makes me not want to throw anything out (not even to give it away...cuz I might need it at some point; yeah right). So! Though you will never see me on a TV program due to my hording I need help figuring out when it is time to get rid of my clothes. At what point do they become too big to keep; what are the determining factors to make the final cut? I don't want to keep things "just in case" because I am moving forward not backward. On the other hand I don't want to spend money on new clothes because I have another 30 lbs to lose and then they too will be to big....HELP!

    Get rid of the clothes! You will never ever go back to being overweight like that again. I agree with the users that recommend a thrift store. I also asked friends for hand me downs and it's worked out great!

    Keep up the hard work!

    P.S. - I had to give away 12 big, black garbage bags of clothes. It was awesome!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I lost 7 pounds before MFP and 49 since and I just cleaned out my closet/drawers and it's like a ghost town. I have 6 huge rubbermaid tubs full of clothes!! I don't have a problem donating but sheesh, I need everything and it would be really nice to get a little money for this stuff to offset the new wardrobe. I am going to look into some options tomorrow but one place I found today was consignment and you get a check 90 days from when you drop off... Craigslist would be an option I guess but I've never posted on there.... Congrats on your loss and I agree, I would get rid of them right away!!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    I went from a size 20, to somewhere between and 8 and 10 now... and there were times, I had to go buy new workout clothes so the bottoms wouldn't fall off!! I loved my wardrobe, but I love MYSELF even more and even though I still look for those certain pieces, you know it just isn't the same as it once was and it is time to move on.... My budget did not appreciate the need for things that fit (bras, panties, etc)... My aunt had bypass surgery and ended up having a roller coaster of jean sizes so I didn't have to buy new jeans (however badly I want to), and my mom rediscovered her love of sewing and fashion design, so I will be her guinea pig!

    Do what feels right to you, find a local consignment shop or something do a little trading...