Anyone with type 2diabetes? Would love some advice

Hi, i am 24 years old, 5'3'' and weigh 144. For the last 6 years i have for the most part eaten healthy and exercised. But Last year i gained almost 20 pounds after 1) getting of thyroid medicine and 2) tore my groin muscle. I have never had issues with blood sugar other than low. But since the beginning of this year my morning fasting glucose is high( between 100-117 which is "pre-diabetic), all other times of day after eating is "in range". I need it to be under 99. My dr told me to start looking into my plan for "IF" i do develop type 2.

Has anyone noticed an improvement with their blood sugar with losing weight? the last 2 weeks i have cut out sugar, cut down carbs, exercised everyday and lost 3 pounds and so far dont see a change. I am scared. Type 2 diabetes? I feel too young and too healthy to have that? Can people still lift weights with it? I dont know much about it other than ive read it can cause ALOT of health issues .I hope if i lose 20 pounds and remain on a high protein low fat low carb organic whole foods diet it will help THAT to never happen.

Any encouraging advice much appreciated :-)

oh and i got off thyroid medication bc my ex quacky dr had me on it for 5 years along with hundreds of other women who DIDNT NEED IT.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    back later to reply:flowerforyou:
  • littlemount
    My mother who is 72 years in May of this year had blood sugars running in 180-190.
    She started walking 15 minutes in am and 15 minutes in pm. She always watched what she ate. From August her blood sugars have been 110-120 never above 120.
  • SpaceMarkus
    There's a known correlation between losing weight, getting healthy, and controlling diabetes. I met a man early this year that has done P90X 3 times and isn't on any diabetes medication anymore. Before this his doctor basically said "you're going to die".

    Send me a friend request. I'd be happy to help where I can.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Hi I'm a type 2 diabetic. I also experienced unusual weight gain when I discovered that I have type 2 diabetes (no thanks to PCOS :/). So with my oral meds, I first started doing DVD cardio workout exercises & lift lightweights first since I haven't been lifting for 5 years. I watch what I eat especially sugar & carbs. As for now I'm very OK & in fact I can now do martial arts & play football. I also now lift heavier weights for 3 days so my total exercise is 6 days a week. Although my blood sugar continues to fluctuate high/normal but for the most part, I have improved from 200 to 120. Though 120 is still pretty high but at least its a far cry from my previous.

    Its good that you discovered it at an early stage & not to go further into type 2. Don't worry, as long as you're starting to take care of yourself you will not undergo what I'm currently in right now. Diabetes is tough but I don't let it interfere with my life.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    back later to reply:flowerforyou:
    Hi, I got my A1C blood test results back just last week and it's now all the way down to a non-diabetic # which I'm quite proud of! 5.3 I KNOW for me the increased workouts have helped drop my bad cholesterol, up my good cholesterol, get me off blood pressure meds because I have great numbers with all of that now.

    I've lost a considerable amount of weight and workout each day. I think you have a good plan on changing your habits but no need to be obsessive about it, live your life, track your food, get in good water amount, move your body and keep POSITIVE!! Stress will bring up your numbers faster than anything else! Yoga, meditation, relaxation of any type can do wonders for our bodies in so many ways.

    I see you mentioned eating high protein, read up a bit on that as it can damage our kidneys by eating too much protein, which kidneys are something you most definitely need to keep healthy. Being diabetic can effect all parts of our body but not keeping it all in balance will result in kidney damage, liver issues, heart, high blood pressure, cholesterols being effected etc. Also low carbing also needs a good balance, nothing wrong with unprocessed healthy carbs as that's what gives us energy and sends oxygen to the brain to make it function. When my blood sugar has gotten too low after a workout, it simply means I need to refuel with carbs so I can think clearly again. I worry about the theory that low carbing is good for all diabetics, cutting out processed food is a great idea for us all but we do NEED all components that make up a healthy diet (healthy eating, not "diet" lol)

    That's not said to scare you at all, so much to learn about being a diabetic and I agree with the person mentioning how great it is you've caught the problem early on. It's been said that by the time Diabetics are diagnosed the disease has been in our bodies for 7-8 years. Scary stuff when I found out that as it means damage may have already occurred.

    We have control over this to a large degree as long as we keep our healthy habits up, it's simply that important, that WE take good care of our bodies simply because that's a good thing to do for ourselves and our family. But when faced with an illness it's even more vital because there are particular things we need to really pay attention too.

    There is a Type 2 group here on the boards, I'll see if I can find it for you, the ppl in that group are very inspiring, working toward staying as healthy as possible and a really enjoyable bunch of folks.

    So glad you joined us and posted! It's real scary at first when someone tells you your numbers are elevated because for me it was crazy confusing as I knew NOTHING about it at all. It sure got my attention though and eating healthier and keeping up with my workouts was my top priroity... it shakes you into making good decisions.

    Feel free to PM or ask any questions, so many on the boards can help with this as many have it.

    Enjoy your day:flowerforyou: :heart: