Weekend binges! Help!

jesscorinne Posts: 72
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay weekends are my worst enemy when it comes to deiting! I'll be eating right all week and friday night I just can't control myself! My skinny friend has never deited a day in her life and she is just like "Don't go over, easy as that". She doesnt understand how hard it is for me though!
So I guess I am asking what do you do to prevent yourself from going over board or just over at all!

Anything helps! Thanks sooo much it means a lot to me! <3


  • arykh24
    arykh24 Posts: 64
    Is it possible to move your weigh in day to Monday?? that way you keep on track over the weekend?
  • I do the same thing! I usually just go "I'll start again on Monday" And come Monday I get right back to my exercise routine and my diet.
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Get yourself a 'weigh buddy' and weigh on a Monday - helps keep you focussed on a weekend.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    There was thread just like this last night. Not many found my opinion likeable but here goes.....

    In MY opinion, you need to treat Sat/Sun as you do M-F... Just make whatever snack you want to treat yourself to fit in your cals for the day. If need be, up your exercise on Friday so you have that "donut, cake, pie," whatever.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Up your exercise for the weekend so you can have more exercise calories to eat back. Make better choices while you are out.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I have the same issue....I do go all week and then Friday evening all the way through Sunday it is a struggle. Monday is my weigh in, and I moved it there for that exact reason, to motivate me to do better on the weekends, but I am afraid it doesn't help. I don't know what my issue is with weekends, but it is a strugggle
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    Binge on good stuff. Keep the "bad" stuff out of your house. I think it's better to go over your calories with good healthy stuff than chips and salsa. I don't mind going over my calories as long as it's healthy nutritious food.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Up your exercise for the weekend so you can have more exercise calories to eat back. Make better choices while you are out.

    That is a great idea if you make the time. Anytime I know I need extra calories I do intense workouts that day, or if I don't have time that day I do it the day before and leave a lot of calories left over.
  • Tell me about it! Chocolate, ice cream, pizza, eating out galore! The weekend can be horrible for your dieting process, but here's my tips for success:

    - make a plan for what you will eat. My husband and I plan together what we will make for dinners, etc. If I know we will have one nice big (non-diet friendly) meal, then I can back off the other crap so much.

    - If you have plans for an event, like eating out or going out with friends, etc, make a plan for that too. If you tell yourself, "Yes, I am going out to a restaurant, but I will eat in moderation" a head of time, it can really help.

    -There's nothing wrong with going out on the weekend, just look up nutritional info first, and pack away half your meal when you get it, if you need to.

    - Plan for your treats. If I plan my treats out, like "I will have a glass of wine and dark chocolate," or "I will have that ice cream bar I've wanted for three days now" then having the actual food item will taste a lot more rewarding than the "oops I just ate four rice crispy treats because I couldn't control myself."

    You get my process here? It's all about planning a head of time. If you plan for success, you can reach it! Also, another really helpful tip is... don't be so hard on yourself! We all have set backs. We're not perfect. But you're trying, right?
  • Up your exercise for the weekend so you can have more exercise calories to eat back. Make better choices while you are out.

    I really can't agree with this statement. Exercising is not about being able to eat your calories back, in my opinion. Exercising does give you extra calories if you choose to eat them. But you should not be thinking, "If I workout for a half an hour, I can have another slice of cake!" They don't really equal out like that. It's very negative to think of exercise in terms like that too. Exercise in should not equal food in too, unless you workout really freaking hard.
  • dgkoz
    dgkoz Posts: 5
    I don't know if it will help you, but I try to have my weekend meals already planned, prepared and ready to just reheat in the microwave. That keeps me from opening cupboards and the refrigerator. That helps me to not be tempted by some of the things I might see in them.

    Also, I try to keep my hands busy. I do crossword puzzles, work on the computer, or mess around outside. If my hands are busy doing things, they can't be used for eating.

    Lastly, if you just have to eat something, take your food for a walk around the neighborhood. That way you are at least using up some of the calories you are consuming, and you are keeping your metabolism up.
  • Since starting my weight loss program, weekends are hard for me to. But not in the fact that I eat a lot, I forget to eat because it appears that I am busier with doing things. I agree with melissabee31, it's best to have your meals planned out so that you won't gorge yourself. Also maybe weigh yourself twice a week (I do mines Monday and Friday) so it puts me in the mode of "I don't need to overindulge this weekend". I also try to have leftovers so I can just pop it in the microwave, it has save me from going out and getting something to eat. Hope this helps....happy lifestyle change!!
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Up your exercise for the weekend so you can have more exercise calories to eat back. Make better choices while you are out.

    I really can't agree with this statement. Exercising is not about being able to eat your calories back, in my opinion. Exercising does give you extra calories if you choose to eat them. But you should not be thinking, "If I workout for a half an hour, I can have another slice of cake!" They don't really equal out like that. It's very negative to think of exercise in terms like that too. Exercise in should not equal food in too, unless you workout really freaking hard.

    From that standpoint I'd say you are right. It is not good to treat exercise in that manner so you can eat unhealthy. I do it because I know I want to eat more but always healthy stuff. I just know I may be up later on a certain day and will need that extra 300 to have something extra during those extra hours of the day.
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a big fan on the Monday morning weigh in a lot of people have posted about. That's my weigh-in day each week and it helps keep me honest over the weekend. I think it's so important to plan your weekends in advance. During the week, I've got a good routine so I try to make my weekends as routine as possible as well.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    There was thread just like this last night. Not many found my opinion likeable but here goes.....

    In MY opinion, you need to treat Sat/Sun as you do M-F... Just make whatever snack you want to treat yourself to fit in your cals for the day. If need be, up your exercise on Friday so you have that "donut, cake, pie," whatever.

    this!! And stay in your calorie goal. Like I've said many times before, you either really want to do this....or you don't. It's all up to YOU!
  • The only easy way to say this is cut the bad influence out. Don't go places where you will be tempted and always have healthy snacks with you. The other thing that I do is burn extra calories in my cardio session so the extra calories will not hurt. Hope it helps, it does me. Have a great day.

  • From that standpoint I'd say you are right. It is not good to treat exercise in that manner so you can eat unhealthy. I do it because I know I want to eat more but always healthy stuff. I just know I may be up later on a certain day and will need that extra 300 to have something extra during those extra hours of the day.

    Well, that's good then. I have worked out plenty of times and thought, "Now I have a little more leeway with my calories today," and that is true. It's just that when it turns from one good treat you're making room for to, every time you want more dessert or your food fix you think you can workout to "fit it in" is when it becomes unhealthy.
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    Your so right. Its hard because the weekends are always family gatherings, parties, hang out with friends etc. Its not impossible but right now I also need to re-think my Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I know it sucks, also my gym is close Fri-Sun. I tried to workout at home but I'm always working out harder with my coaches
  • clareo78
    clareo78 Posts: 11 Member
    This is me (or at least it used to be). Changing my weigh in to Monday really help me keep myself in check and it motivates me for the rest of the week when I see a loss. I also really try to plan my "splurge" meal so that I don't go over my calories for the day or I workout to get extra calories to eat so that I dont go over. For some reason I love it when I my status says that I was "under my calorie goals".
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