Walk faster than I run?

After my doc told me last week that I cannot run for a while because of my knee, I have only been walking. Today I noticed on my gps tracking system on my phone, (it logs how fast i am going), that I am actually walking faster than I was running 3 weeks ago, for the most part. I didn't realize that was even possible. Really? Go figure!?!


  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Race walkers are no joke! I spent the good part of my last half marathon trying to keep up with one...sadly, she got away from me ;-) Great motivation to step it up though!
  • melissabee31
    You know in high school, when they make you run a timed mile for gym class? I could run it in like 14 minutes (I was a terrible running then, I am a little better now). The next semester, I started out running but then just walked the rest of the way, and I finished in 10 minutes.

    I think it all has to do with stamina. I did not have enough stamina to keep myself running. I could "run" the mile, but I would slow down so much because I had terrible form. Thankfully, my husband who was the head of his track team taught me how to run. Now I have a lot better stamina. But I still think I could walk a mile faster.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    On our Race for the Cure run yesterday, someone I know won her age category race walking the 5K - she beat out runners! I was amazed!
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    I started walking for fitness about 6 weeks ago. It didn't take long before I felt significantly more fit, and my pace started to pick up. So I began to walk (1 mile each way) to work each day, and several more walks per week. And I began to up the pace bit by bit, as long as it felt good. Walking feels great. I never feel sore, never have to "make myself" do it, and I never feel like I want to stop.

    A local pub sponsors a "running club" with an informal 5k each week, so I started doing that. I walk briskly, but normally. Not speed-walking; more like a New Yorker late for a train. My time lately has been about 45 minutes. I even pass a few runners.

    Recently, I tried adding just a bit of running. But I ended up screwing up my left leg. The calf really hurts, and it takes days for it to recover. So for now, I'm just going to remain a walker.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I walked a 5K in 43 mins. I passed alot of runners!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm doing the 5K101 program and using the Chi Running book with Vibram (barefoot) shoes. I'm trying to totally remake my running gate so it's low impact. So far it's GREAT - today (week 7) I jogged three 12 minute intervals! The downside? even the leisurely walkers passed me. I can feel myself pick up speed with I "drop" into a walk, although I do catch my breath and it feels like less effort. My goal is to finish the program next week then start it over with the "walking" portion done at my current rate and a bump up in speed for the "jog" portion.

    I will say that my knees have never been happier! :bigsmile: