Being short and overweight

Hi everyone! I'm 5'0" and 141 pounds right now. For me, it's a LOT of weight to carry around. For my whole life I've been around 105 - 115 and now that I'm 37 maybe around 120 and I'm fine with that. I was BORN with curves, lol and even at my thinnest have a J-Lo type of butt and full hips and I'm totally good with that! But the last year or so I've gained in my stomach, which I've never had happen and also now have some back fat and my chest is getting the dreaded side boob :(

So, anyway - I'm a up and down kind of dieter - I'll do something extreme like take phentermine and lose a bunch and then just gain it all back with bad eating and no exercise. Or I'll do SouthBeach, drop a TON of weight and then gain it all back a year later. Now I'm trying to do this right, excercise and watch what I'm eating. It's working pretty well because I'm acrtually getting insight into what I'm doing wrong and changing my actual eating habits in a way I can keep up. I'm getting SO MUCH inspiration here and I thank everyone!

My real problem is that I'm not getting a lot of support irl. People hear 140 pounds and they like, get angry at me - "I weigh 160, I guess you think I'm huge" and stuff but yeah, they are like 5'6! Why is it so hard to have some compassion for someone that's shorter that might not look as overweight as they seemingly think I should. I feel like if you don't have a whole bunch to lose than it seems like when I do people act like its not an accomplishment or say 'you didn't have that much to lose' or something. I'm sure I sound whiny but this is hard enough without support from the people I love you know? Mondays suck.


  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and started out at 147 (my heaviest) and am now down to 111. I know exactly how you feel. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Don't listen to what they say, I personally avoid even talking about it with others. This is about you! So make it happen!! This is a lifestyle can do this if you want to!!
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    You will find a lot of short people around here who are in a similar situation. Even 10 extra pounds on a short person, especially one with a small frame goes a long way to make you feel overweight.

    Personally I'm 5'2", was 137 at my highest (Not counting pregnancy). I started at 125.6 a little over 3 weeks ago, trying for about 115.

    I just want to get fit, eat better, and fit into my old clothes. LOL.
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I am 4'11- and my goal is to be about 100-110lbs. I am over 150 now *eek!* so I totally feel you. Extra weight on short people is also harder to lose. Add me if you need some support!
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    Eeek - I really am the fattest of all the shorties - am also 4'11 and 179lbs! Looking to get down to about 120 eventually...
  • Staci920
    I know what you mean. I'm 5'0 too and right now I'm at about 119/120. My normal weight is 107ish. People don't get that at our height a few lbs really makes a difference. I've experienced the same thing, friends say I wish I could be 120, but they are all 5'5 to 5'7, and don't get that that makes a huge difference...
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    I am 5 feet tall (on a good day) and have always been heavy for my height also. I am 50 years old and trying to lose weight sure doesn't get easier as you get older. But, I am making lifestyle changes this time and am going to be successful. I started this journey at my all time heaviest 158.8 pounds. And like you say, for most people, that is not "fat"; but if you are barely 5 feet tall, it is. I am now down to 145.2; close to the lowest that I have been for the past 7 or 8 years. My goal is to get to a healthy BMI, which would be around 125 pounds for me. I have never been below 125 in my adult life, so I will be happy with that weight when I get there.

    Feel free to friend me so that we can give each other moral support.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Ok....I'm 5'1'' my starting weight was 208.5 current weight 200 so I do have more to lose than you do. That being said, I know that my struggle to become fit and thinner isn't any harder for me than yours. I'm 53 and waited all these years to get started. Wish I'd gotten started when I was younger and had about half the weight to lose. You can do this and need to. Please don't let others saying things like that deter you. Good luck to you!
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. People use to tell me, I looked fine for the way my body held my weight. But I realized, I can't discuss my weight loss goals with people who are not or were never in the same predicament as me. In my post I said "dont rely on people because they will discourage you or will not understand", They still love you trust me. But they just dont get it.

    The support you need can come from this website or through God if you believe in him. And lastly it comes from within.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm 5'2 and weight 150. It sucks being short because we can't afford as much weight as taller people can! For every inch someone is taller than you, they can afford 3 more pounds. So for example, with you being 5'0 at 141, it would be the equal of someone that is 5'2 being 147. Don't listen to the people that make you feel down on yourself!
  • luckyprincessmelody
    Oh wow - thank you all so much for responding! It's SO nice to know that other people deal with the same thing and still are successful! I'm really ready to get to a healthy place so that it will be easier to mantain as I get older.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Eeek - I really am the fattest of all the shorties - am also 4'11 and 179lbs! Looking to get down to about 120 eventually...

    You are so not the fattest!:grumble: No matter, we'll all achieve our goals if we keep working on them.
  • schmorla
    schmorla Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 131 lbs.

    My goal is 110 lbs.

    I think its very hard for smaller girls because as someone else said even an extra 10 lbs is more noticeable.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm 5'2 and have about 75lbs to lose still. I don't want to go as low as the rest of you-when I was in the 107-125lbs range I was too skinny-bones sticking out and stuff-not healthy at all. I am 30 and I think my metabolism has slowed significantly which makes it a challenge to lose weight now, but I am working on it! :) Good luck to all!
  • christymarie214
    christymarie214 Posts: 47 Member
    I find its best not to tell colleagues and those that are not close friends and family that you are trying to get rid of the extra weight because it seems to upset some people. My assumption is that it highlights their insecurities and by all means that is not anyone's intent when they are trying to lose the pounds. Just keep it to good friends that motivate you!
  • Lauralynn350
    OMG....THIS IS ME - EXACTLY. I'm only 5 feet 0 inches and currently weigh 147! UGH!!!! I have done all the fad diets, new exercise tapes, etc...and I would lose 5-10 pounds, but put it right back on. And I totally get what your saying....because I mention being overweight in the office and everyone looks at me with that 'look'. You know the one. But, everyone in the office is probably 5-10 inches taller.

    I've got your back!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am 5'-0" and 164lbs! Feel free to add me :D
  • rag5051
    rag5051 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 1/2 (yes the 1/2 counts! lol) -- currently weigh about 155! I'm looking to get down to 100-115 (eventually). Someone once told me that I would "never be thin" and it thoroughly pissed me off. Add me if you want :)
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Are you my twin? (kidding) I'm 5'0" and weigh 143. My goal weight is 110-115. And I was BORN with curves too. I had a big butt since I can remember! an always had a flat stomach.. now all my weigh was put on in my tummy as well as in thighs and butt.. not so cute I TOTALLY kno what you are going through. Losing weigh (the RIGHT way) is a LOT tougher on a short body.. Feel free to add me!
    Also, a few other girls and I started a group called "Vertical Challengers" for all shorties. Come chec out our thread, and pssibly join our team?!
    Good luck!!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    ALSO, any other shorties interested in joining a group just for us. Come check out our thread
    We are about to finish our first challenge in less than 2 weeks and we are always welcoming new members!