Help on Weekends

Diet is really good during the week but than it fall's a part on sat and Sunday. Can someone help.?


  • fitaliciag
    just think about how badly you want it. that is what keeps me on track. remember....NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING HEALTHY AND FIT FEELS!!!!
  • melissabee31
  • papa5280
    I don't know if this will work for you, but I've taken to viewing my weekends as my big exercise-calories days. I make sure to set aside at least an hour each day on Sat and Sun for some serious calorie burning exercise.

    This has two effects...first, it gives me extra calories to eat on those days. I usually have trouble eating all of the exercise calories. Second, after putting the work in, the last think I want to do is to throw it away on crap calories. So, for me, the weekends are the days that I feel like I can really drive the weight loss, rather than going the other way.
  • ammbbbeeeerrrrr
    im having the same problem. I feel so great during the week, and then friday-sunday comes and i spend a lot of time with my boyfriends family and they're very balls to the wall eat whatever and then i gain 1-2 pounds like i did from this weekend, and i feel like a failure.

    I can admit that i was too lenient on myself this weekend, so i'm gonna not beat myself up about it too much and try again this week. :)
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I've been doing pretty well on weekends. I don't eat "diet food". I eat real, healthy food every day that fills me up. Lots of whole grains, protein, fruit, and veggies. The weekends are no different. If you are starving yourself during the week and eating typical diet food you will find yourself binging on the weekends.
  • fall1
    fall1 Posts: 4
    thanks so much!!