A girl trying to get back to her old self again...

Hello, my name is Kaelyn and I am on a journey to live a fit and healthy life again. I have been an athlete all of my life, and just recently I have rebelled from being an athlete. I have gain much un-wanted weight, and I definitely have changed my work out habits for the worse. I want to be able to wear close that make me feel sexy again, without worrying how I look in them. I want to rekindle my sexy allure that I used to possess with my boyfriend in the beginning. I want to become a new me who wants to live a healthy and fit life, and who loves her body!


  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    good luck to you!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Same here. I cant wait to be the person I always wanted to be. I wish you the best in meeting your goals. If you say you can do it then you can do it. If you say you will do it then you will do it. :-D
    God bless
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    You can do it! With dedication and just plain discipline, add me if you want support! Good luck on this journey!
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    You can do it! With dedication and just plain discipline, add me if you want support! Good luck on this journey!
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    You can do it! With dedication and just plain discipline, add me if you want support! Good luck on this journey!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! Good luck with your weight loss and fitness goals.