Dont drink water?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, of course. The only weight loss benefits water has is to hydrate you and to put something in your stomach to help you fill full. Obviously any liquid will do that.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I just think its funny that folks don't like the taste of water. Maybe its tap water? I use bottled mountain spring water but when I don't have that I drink the regular tap water. Of course I'm in Colorado and we have good water here for the most part.

    But if you don't like water then maybe you can make it into ice tea. Its calorie free and has taste to it. I wouldn't forego water though not only for weight loss, but our bodies are primarily water and need it to operate properly.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    I like water but the water we have here in my town changes almost daily. I can always tell when they treat it with various chemicals because I can taste it. My kids drink it filtered but I don't like the salty taste. So I don't drink it as much as I should and when I cut back, I start drinking more soda. Not good for losing weight. I love the idea of the oranges... I'll have to try that.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It may be possible to lose weight, but water is essential to your body, regardless of your weight goals. It's not only likely but probably unavoidable to retain water if you are not drinking any. If you retain water, you will weigh more on the scale, feel bloated, and feel like you are unable to lose weight.

    Please, PLEASE drink water. Even if it's half of what you "should have" a day. That is a lot better than none!

    This is so NOT TRUE. The OP didn't say she wasn't drinking anything. it's possible to go through life perfectly hydrated, thin and healthy without ever drinking a glass of plain water. There is water in every drink, and in a lot of foods. You need the water but that does not mean you need to consume it plain.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I've lost the weight so far by only drinking water when exercising. The rest of the time I drink coffee and I feel fine. As long as you drink something preferably before you feel thirsty, you'll be OK.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I just think its funny that folks don't like the taste of water.

    I can't speak for anyone else but my husband never drinks plain water because he says he doesn't like the taste. My question was "how can you not like the taste when water has no taste." His answer, "Exactly, I don't like the lack of taste." Some people just need taste.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I never liked the taste of plain water maybe cos ours don't taste too good from tap, even filtered. I started with flavoured waters like Volvic lemon and Lime and got plain bottled water,, added Ribena or Squash and gradually made it weaker.

    At meal times I'd drink water between mouthfuls when could still taste the food too... I seem to have 'weaned' myself onto it and can now drink water plain, several cups a day and sometimes I still have volvic lemon and lime to break things up a bit, Tea usually when first wake up and before go to bed.

    I have lost some more recently though not sure if thats of cos increase in water or cos I cut carbs out.. my water retention improved loads.. by end of day I'm only 1 lb heavier instead of 4-5 lbs heavier!
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    Hi ok so of course you can lose without it but its very unhealthy and if you drink col water its another 100 cal burn for the day. Also water makes all flushing happen and will help you lose fat at a much higher rate. Imagine all the work you are doing and then not having the optimum results you could be having :). Just go for it and figure it out. You can learn to like water and flavor it with crystal light if you must but try try try to drink half your body weight in water!!!!:drinker:
  • melissabee31
    It may be possible to lose weight, but water is essential to your body, regardless of your weight goals. It's not only likely but probably unavoidable to retain water if you are not drinking any. If you retain water, you will weigh more on the scale, feel bloated, and feel like you are unable to lose weight.

    Please, PLEASE drink water. Even if it's half of what you "should have" a day. That is a lot better than none!

    This is so NOT TRUE. The OP didn't say she wasn't drinking anything. it's possible to go through life perfectly hydrated, thin and healthy without ever drinking a glass of plain water. There is water in every drink, and in a lot of foods. You need the water but that does not mean you need to consume it plain.

    Since she said she rarely has water and only gets water from food sources and maybe a cup of tea now and then... it doesn't really sound like her fluid intake was high. If she said she drank 4 glasses of juice a day, plus some coffee and tea every day - at least that would mean you would be hydrated. Since she did not specify what her fluid intake was at all, I suggest drinking water - whether it comes from juice, coffee, fruit doesn't matter.

    I agree that it's possible to go through life drinking no "plain water." I don't really know how a healthy lifestyle can exclude plain water. But if you get enough water from food sources and other fluids, more power to yah.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The only time i get pure water is when taking my multi. That's about 100ml of pure water.

    The rest of my hydration comes from fruit, tea, coffee, sports drinks before and during workout, etc.

    And yes, my pee is a very light yellow. Perfectly hydrated :)
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    although there is such thing called "water weight" ive heard water actually quickens the fat loss process.
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    You're welcome! Good Luck!